> AGW: The "canary in the coal mine" has always been Arctic ice decreasing, no longer the case?

AGW: The "canary in the coal mine" has always been Arctic ice decreasing, no longer the case?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Since this situation seems to confuse you, let me see if I can make an analog that might make sense to you.

I think the mayors of Analogyville are getting worse and worse. The one we had 4 years ago stole $400, the one we had 3 years ago stole $700, the one we had 2 years ago stole $800, the one we had last year stole $1 million, and the one we had this year stole $1,000.

Now, you could argue that this year's mayor, who only stole $1,000, is a lot better than last year's mayor, the guy who stole $1 million, so the mayors aren't getting "worse and worse". But I think we can both agree that the mayor who stole $1,000 is worse than the mayor who stole $400. The fact that this year's mayor was better than last year's doesn't necessarily mean that Analogyville's mayors are getting better, just that last year's mayor was unusually bad.

Do you see what I'm getting at here? The fact that the Arctic didn't melt quite as badly as last year doesn't mean it's no longer decreasing, just that last year was *unusually* bad, out of keeping with the general trend, and now we are back to the (slightly better) general trend.

Either you are extremely ignorant on the subject, or expect everyone else to be.

Yes, that is where I get all of my science related news. The Daily Mail and the Weekly World News. I also get all of my celebrity gossip news from NOAA and the IPCC.

Have you not yet learned that a single season, or even 10 - 15 seasons, does not make for the global climate trend?

That is like saying apples are the "canary in the coal mine" for gravity - it's stupid.


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>>Not my expression. Read and learn who described it as such.<<

Since I obviously disagree with it, why would I care who said it?


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>>The comparison of the Arctic and the canary in the coal mine may therefore be true<<

Why is the arctic more canary-like than:

the antarctic;





coastal areas;


or a hundred other things?

Using your analogy, we're already knee-deep in dead birds.

Right now, Arctic ice is decreasing. You can follow the day by day results at JAXA.

Check the reliability of the article. Take into account the natural waxes and wanes of climate temperature. Remember the ics age? Not exactly caused by man. Anyway, in total, polar ice caps have shrunk (disregarding the current situation)

Scientifically, it has gone away. It is local and the ice is returning.

However, the 'saviors of the earth' will milk this as long as they can.

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot.... Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone... Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. - Washington Post 11/2/1922

They have been trying this for years and years. It always scares a few low information people. These are mostly politicians who wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the nose. Their lives are full of lies and it is hard to separate the truth from the lies for them. Newspaper reporters are also a bunch of diddleheads. They have been trained by communist professors and are so ingrained in the manure of AGW that they couldn't get their facts straight if their life depended on it.

AGW is a PR stunt and it will always raise its ugly head as long as there are stupid people to con. The Arctic Ice feature will always be part of the scare tactics.

One year is not a trend

The same bozos that suggest a hurricane may be due to our CO2 emissions are whining that the ice is not cooperating with their stupid theory. I think the canary is freezing his butt off.

According to the Russians the Arctic ice shrank in extent during the 1920' and 30's and grew back up to 1970, could be a cycle.


another one


It's too early to call it a recovery, but at this moment the canary is singing.

One year? Since when did one year make a trend? Or doesn't what happened between 1954 and 2010 count?

And you denialists wonder why we call you denialists.

AGW: The "canary in the coal mine" has always been Arctic ice decreasing, no longer the case?
