> Hadcrut3, true or false?

Hadcrut3, true or false?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well Flossie, there is some missing heat out there. But rest assured, we have Flunky, Gringo, Climate Realist, Jeff M, Baccy Baby and a host of others, out looking for this missing heat. They are all being led by Dork. The are halfway through searching through Al Gores movie 'Inconvenient Truth' or as others call it 'Earth in the Lurch'. They think the missing heat is somewhere between the drowning Polar Bear and the big chart.

In answer to your question: True. Even Phil Jones has had to admit it. Even James Hansen admitted it, just before he retired and became a full time communist activist.

Just look at Baccy Baby and Jeff M: First they blamed the decline on El Nino, then ENSO, now it is in the Oceans. Little do they realize the method of determining was brought forth by greenies. They claimed the earth's temperature was rising due to their calculations based on their formula. The greenies had laws enacted and taxes applied based on their formula. Now that the same formula shows a cooling trend, and has for over a decade, they tell us the formula is no good. That has all the credibility of a scam artist.

As to Gringo: He forgot that, that mean old CO2 still rose during this same time period. Remember when Al Gore presented that chart? People like Gringo were going orgasmic with that representation. Now that the Temperature goes down and CO2 rises, they feel that is insignificant. That is the typical greenie for you. When you catch them in a lie they trivialize it. "OH well, it was such a little lie." They reason.

CR: That must be a real clever comeback. What does it mean?

Data since 2002 is not Data since 2002 is weather, not climate. It was not even a complete sunspot cycle.


The end = the last 30 years, since 1983


As you can see, it does show global warming at the end.




You missed someone. Steven Spielburg can't make "Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Missing Heat," without Indiana Jones.

"When one claims that a physical process changes without cause, one professes a belief in magic."

So, the atmosphere was warming in response to increased CO2 but now it isn't. The heat is all going into the oceans - not just some of it. That sounds like a change in physical process to me.

Do we know what caused it?

HadCRUT3 is absolutely true for what it measured. It did, however, leave out significant parts of the globe. Namely the polar regions. Note that the poles are where the current warming is occurring the most. Mainly the north pole. The south pole is most likely warming as well as evidenced by the decreased mass. Sea ice, of course as you know, is increasing in the south however this is due to various other factors such as ocean currents and such.

GRACE measurements of Antarctica and Greenland : http://remy.omp.free.fr/FTP/article/54-R...

Ozone depletion and increasing stratospheric wind speeds leading to increased Antarctic sea ice extent: http://ps.uci.edu/scholar/velicogna/file...

Ocean currents and increased hydrologic cycle also play a role in increased Antarctic sea ice extent: http://www.pnas.org/content/107/34/14987...

Differences between HadCRUT 3 and HadCRUT4 - A greater amount of area covered, change from HadSST2 to HadSST3 resolving a bias with sea surface temperatures after WW2, and so on.





Sagebrush: You honestly have to be one of the most ignorant people on this site. ENSO is also known as the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). There are two stages, the El Nino which produces warming and the La Nina which produces cooling. This is due to ocean temperatures. Seriously, how about for once you actually look up what you are talking about?

HadCRUT4 is more true: http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

I have high hopes for HadCRUT5. I here there is warming in Outer Mongolia that HadCRUT4 hasn't taken into account so maybe we can level off that slope and end all this talk about a "pause".

But the real coup will be HadCRUT6 which will use a novel new method of integrating computer model empirical data from deep oceans and prove that warming is actually exponential.

HadCRUT is one estimate of global temperature. It is not really something that can be "true" or "false".

No, it does not show global warming to be at an end, The past decade was the warmest on record.

90% of warming is in the oceans. The oceans have continued to warm. What you are looking at is short term change in the amount of heat exchanged between oceans and atmosphere.

The idea that global warming "ended" requires a belief in magic. When one claims that a physical process changes without cause, one professes a belief in magic. If you don't believe the scientific explanation of heat exchange between oceans and atmosphere, then you must explain why sea level continues to rise, why sea ice continues to melt and why the greenhouse effect suddenly reverted to past levels. Nobody who believes in physics can explain theses observations. So give it a try yourself.

Those who believe in physics may be interested in understanding the most recent scientific research. Two separate studies, published in just the last couple of months, have verified that the oceans are uptaking more heat. (Remember that 90% of the warming goes into the oceans anyhow, so a small change in ocean warming offsets 9x as much warming of the atmsophere.)



Hadcrut3 is true. What is false, or rather highly misleading, is the woodfortrees graph you link to coupled with the suggestion that global warming might have ended.

It's like measuring ones height during 10 years starting at age 45 and conclude that humans do no grow at all. It is the conclusion which is wrong, not the data. All your little graph tells is that the trend over the past 10 years is downward. If you really want to check whether global warming has stopped you'll have to look at a (much) longer period, eg.:


And this graph one can immediately see that 'global warming' has had previous ups and downs yet that the general TREND is upwards.

But nice try flossie.

Hadcrut3, true or false?

This is often quoted, simple question, is it true or false?

If true, does it show Global Warming to be at an end?

