> Is this is what Billy is warning us about?

Is this is what Billy is warning us about?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

There's nothing logical about any "progressive" or "liberal" ideas. According to them, chaos is something to be admired and expounded on through media outlets.

It really does not surprise me that you are taking on the same mode of thought as Billy. If you think that was what he is warning us about, in your world, sure it can be true but your world is not reality.

Edit: Every time I see Bush speak in the video in some1's post why do I always picture him singing "It's a beautiful day in your neighbourhood, it's a beautiful day for a neighbour. Would you be mine,. Could you be mine?" I think, perhaps, Mr rogers and Bush were the same person made to look similar with Illuminati facepaint and makeup coverings.

Billy is trying to spread the message, and save us from alarmists, but it is an uphill battle. He doesn't have the Best Answer winning list of solid gold Ultimate Quotes that you have. You should join forces, and link up with the survivalists too, before the Rothschild black helicopters land with Al Gore at the fore.

Does your pal Joseph Goebbels know that you are in bed with Billy?

Yes, Billy is claiming that Facists like Obama and American agribusiness are trying to use climate change to control the world -- and your article is saying that Greenpeace and the Teachers Union are trying to save us.

JimZ regularly argues that Maxists like Obama, Greenpeace and the Teachers Union are trying to use climate change to control the world, and farmers are trying to save us.

It is so hard to know who to be most paranoid about: Obama and the fascists or their arch enemies, Obama and the Marxists. Either Billy is a whack job paranoid conspiracy freak or JimZ is ... or maybe both are. Sage seems to believe it is both groups. On the other hand, maybe, just maybe physics is real and people who study physics and climate publish their studies because they want to push the cutting edge of human knowledge. Maybe people who conduct research aren't part of a vast conspiracy at all.

To answer your question, I doubt Billy knows what he is warning us about.

"My credibility with you was never very high, it never was among the ill informed." It was never high with the well informed either and for good reason.

Quotes by Sagebrush (who frequently quotes Nazi's to further his cause)

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA",

"Sustainability is a codeword for communism",

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch",

"Justice and equality are codewords for communism",

"God has his hand on the thermostat".

Billy is warning us about everything.

Billy tends to warn us in a similar conspiratorially attitude as yourself only a bit more adamant. I think you do more than your share of editorializing Sagebrush I wouldn't put much stock in Billy;s warnings

Nah! That's not it! Billy is talking about this -

Let us have hope


Your credibility is below zero and falling