> Question about Global Warming and the correlation between two films?

Question about Global Warming and the correlation between two films?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Both films were propaganda films on different sides of the anthropogenic global warming issue. Neither one accurately depicts the ice core evidence of the correlation of carbon dioxide levels and atmospheric temperature. From the ice cores we know that high levels of carbon dioxide and high temperatures are correlated. "An Inconvenient Truth" fails to make it clear that in the ice core record the rise in temperature has generally preceded the rise in CO2; The "Swindle" (and that movie definitely is a swindle) implies that that is the ONLY direction that relationship works.

What the science tells us is that it works both ways: raising temperature releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which further raises temperature AND raising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere raises temperature which can release more carbon dioxide.

It is unfortunate that Gore didn't make this point clear in his movie, but generally "Swindle" is indeed a swindle and "Truth" is generally truth, so in that sense they're accurately named.

The two films you mention are interesting in their similarities.

They were both propaganda films trying to present a one-sided argument but they both contained sufficient inaccuracies to play straight into the hands of their opponents.

The Vostok ice core data showed that CO2 follows behind temperature. That is, the temperature changes then the CO2 level changes to suit. That is exactly what would happen if the warmth forced CO2 out of the oceans. My belief is that we have more to find out about ice cores and the way they trap CO2. The concept of putting a gas bubble into ice and expecting it not to move for half a million years is hard to believe.

What Gore says about the correlation is interesting. Listen to the exact words and remember at the time of the film it was known that the data showed that CO2 lagged temperature. Also remember that he is a politician. Does he actually lie? What impression are you left with about the facts? It is skillfully done.

SO, is the question about proxies? Or about films.

Concerning films, they're not related. As Alph points out, An Inconvient Truth is just that. And Swindle is just that.

Concerning ice core proxies, CO2 is directly measured where it's inclosed in ice cores.

Temperature proxies are pollen that is temperature sensitive that is blown by the wind and found in ice cores.

Good science (not politically motivated science) has well established that CO2 levels are driven by temperature. This FACT is the opposite of what Al Gore wants you to believe.

You can see this clearly in the Vostok Icecore Records. Note that temperature rises FIRST and only then does CO2 FOLLOW. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en...

Al Gore was even forced to admit this fact during hearings before Congress:

Al Gore grudgingly admits that the warming HAPPENS FIRST


Al Gore’s movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was full of bald faced lies. Like the Polar Bears are drowning, or the Ice Caps are melting, or the oceans are rising (beyond what is normal) --- all lies. In fact a court of England ruled the movie was so flawed that it could not be shown to school children without a disclaimer.

35 major errors in Al Gore’s movie


Court rules Al Gore’s movie unfit without disclaimer (11 major errors reviewed)


Graphs showing that CO2 does NOT drive Temperature


There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

The correlation is that CO2 levels go up after a temperature increase, not before as claimed. So CO2 is the effect, not the cause. Scientists paper over this by using a model that assumes temperature increase from CO2, and then declaring that temperature increase is due to CO2.

Also, in Inconvenient Truth, Gore refers to Lonnie Thompson's thermometer, when he is actually using Mann's hockey stick.

there is only one theory, just like there is only one theory of gravity.

the swindle film is aptly named for itself.

If you have a question, just ask it. It is pointless to just state "Question about.... (insert subject here)".

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