> Is it fair that people in Southern California have to drink filtered toilet flush and Northern keeps growing marijuana?

Is it fair that people in Southern California have to drink filtered toilet flush and Northern keeps growing marijuana?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

When you're a drug addict, there's nothing more important than keeping your supply growing.

Very odd question. The north coast of California has nothing to due with Southern California water. Southern California gets most of its water from the Sierra, most of that from the Feather river watershed in Butte County in a different mountain range on a different side of California. There is no way to move water from Humboldt or Mendocino County to southern California. The people harmed by wasteful growers in Humboldt County are the residents of Humboldt County.

The article doesn’t say anything about people drinking filtered toilet flush, where did that come from?

One marijuana grower was interviewed and he said that he recycles his wastewater, which he uses to water his beds of medical marijuana plants.

It's all filtered toilet flush of those upstream of you.

Probably not; but I bet if you ask most of them to choose between grass or clean water, they go grass....

wrong forum. ask in politics
