> So your a pro-or-con GW advocate. Which is more important. Strategic skills or tactical skills?

So your a pro-or-con GW advocate. Which is more important. Strategic skills or tactical skills?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Strategic skills are generally more useful. Unfortunately climate scientists have adopted the strategy of use every moment of unusual weather to sell global warming as the cause.

Skeptics have adopted the strategy of declaring it is a hoax. Also there are tactical issues of revealing specific flaws in climate science, and using cold weather to announce global warming is dead.

The big picture (strategy) is probably more important than the way we get there (tactics).

That's one reason I favor a carbon tax. It has the government impose an overall goal (use less fossil fuels), but doesn't dictate to each company or individual exactly *how* they do it, it just provides them an incentive to do it.

So each company, and each individual person, can decide how they want to handle it--for example, individuals can change the thermostat, switch to LED light bulbs, dry their clothes on the line instead of in a drier, take the bus instead of driving, and/or install a solar, wind, or biomass generator of some sort. For companies, they can install green energy, streamline the manufacturing process, move plants closer to the point of sale, switch to carbon-neutral feedstocks, or whatever. Or, of course, both can just pay more, and let other people do the carbon reducing.

Strategic, as you are still thinking. Tactical is for live and let die scenarios and that reality is more likely to be a few survivors helping everyone try to live, instead of a few carving out kingdoms from zombie hordes..

Not sure I understand the "question."

There are a lot of wannabe CON artists here.

But I don't think anyone is ADVOCATING higher average global temperatures.

I would advocate strategies and tactics to help people learn what averages are. Something you shovel off your driveway, for example, is not a global average. I also support grade school grammar. "You are" is contracted to "you're" not "your."

Scientific skills that prove beyond a doubt AGW is a reality. Besides, from what I have seen of you opinions and lack of climate knowledge, what would you know of strategic or tactical skills

Developing a plan to switch to new energy sources requires people to figure out

1. What new energy sources, and

2. How to switch to these new energy sources.

That requires strategic skills.