> Can Nuclear Explosions damage the atmosphere?

Can Nuclear Explosions damage the atmosphere?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Nuclear explosions will add a little heat to the atmosphere but not enough that you'd notice it world wide.

Burning two billion tons fossil fuel a year will have a much greater effect including putting more radioactive material into the atmosphere than that atomic explosion. Coal contains uranium, thorium and radioactive carbon. The average temp of the Earth has gone up 2 degrees C in the past 100 years. That will cause droughts.

Yes of course. For awhile it was theorized that nuclear explosions would produce nuclear winter, and freeze the planet. This was another example of science being used to push a political agenda. Scientists skeptical of the theory were bullied with the idea,"You don't want to support the use of nuclear weapons do you?!"

Now nuclear explosions are likely to cause some cooling as you will have some rubble in the air blocking out sunlight. In addition the place that is nuked will not be emitting as much CO2.

First to answer your question. The U.S. Nevada Test Site was the location of 739 of the 928 open air nuclear tests conducted by the United States in the late 1940's and early 1950's and they did not harm the atmosphere...some live stock maybe and the down range area of Nevada and Utah has the highest rate of leukemia in the nation.

Now as for global warming...solar influence has more to do with the cyclical warming of the Earth than CO2 has. Just after, around 100 years, the low sunspot period now known as the Maunder Minimum came the "Little Ice Age" some 1000 years ago. We have, by the way, just gone through an period of NO Sunspots during the 23rd and 24th sunspot cycles. Now we will have to wait for the temperature lag to see how low the temperature will drop over the next 20 to 100 years. CO (carbon monoxide) is toxic but CO2 (carbon dioxide) enhances the life of plants. Today the CO2 has been depleted from 2500 ppm in the Carboniferous Era to just over 350 ppm today and the plant life on Earth is suffering as a result. Plant life thrives in a high ppm of CO2. The Carboniferous era was the era of the highest plant growth in history. We need MORE not less CO2 in the atmosphere.

There is a lot of mis-information...for instance Al Gore taught science back in the early 1970's then after 24 years in politics he picked up his old lectures and started to use them again to teach global warming. Old, outdated and poorly sourced he started a global warming debate that is more scam than truth. Watch "An Inconvenient Truth" and then read about the mis-information he cited and tried to sell as truth.

Gee given your grammar, were do I start

In simple terms heat in the atmosphere is lost to space, most of our heat comes from the Sun warming the sun-ward side surface of the planet but the planet rotates and loses that heat. Any fool (or denier) can see the power of that in the shift of the seasons a simple change in our tilt to the Sun is why you have snow in the Eastern half of the U.S. at the moment.

The Sun continually refreshes the heat lost to space each new day, let off a nuclear explosion and the core temperature of this is in the order of 100 million c, but over a very small area such heat soon dissipates into the atmosphere and then into space, something I have been trying to explain to deniers now for years, but they just seem unable to grasp the fairly basic concept, odd given the average grade school kid gets it.

Please take a basic science class, why deniers keep embarrassing themselves with this sort nonsense astounds me, it's almost as if you wan't to ruin your own arguments.

just for full disclosure , the answerer " wretched " ( above ) is a PAID denier for the coal and oil industries .

yes , there is a lot of misinformation out there , and he is the one spreading it . CO2 levels during the carboniferous epoch went as high as 363 ppm , NOT 2500 ppm

Not for those who were too near the explosion.

I was wondering about this since people are fascinated in what caused the earth to heat up and that drought and god paranoid about Global Warming can't Nuclear Explosions cause damage to the atmosphere due to exposing of deadly toxic chemicals like the one or is it possible that is is normal for droughts to happen once in a life time? If you ask me Global Warming is just another way to strip money clean from people and another way of people to try to act like they're better than everyone. I've been getting the run down that I am not a scientist and I should show some respect when why should I when they are normal people trying to act like celebrities? So what do people think droughts are normal once in a life time and people are acting stupid about it or it is real and poorly mis informed?