> Has the northern hemisphere had below average temperatures the past 5 winters?

Has the northern hemisphere had below average temperatures the past 5 winters?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, not according the the satellite record. I didn't technically pull "winter"; most people think of November - February as the cold winter, and that is what I pulled. Over the past 5 years (with no Feb 14 data yet), the Northern Hemisphere averaged one-quarter degree warmer then the 1981 - 2010 average.

American has had some harsh winters in that time, but remember that every time those cold arctic storms travel so far to the south, warmer air moves into the arctic. It seems colder where you are but only because the cold air moved to you.

If you really want "winter" you can pull January-March yourself. I don't think you'll find much difference.

Everybody seems to think this year has been cold, feels to me like it did in the mid 60's this is normal. The past 30 years have had warm winters. The winter of 2009 was the coldest of this century (this year may beat it) but that is still the 13 th warmest on record. 9 of the warmest winters on recorded occurred after 1999.

This winter in the US yes but not for 5 years

Why not ask has the sun dimmed? With fewer stations being monitored there is a new average being created that can't be compared to the old averages. Rainfall records are falling left and right....

Define average.

No. This year we've had virtually no ice in northern Europe and the polar ice cap gets thinner every year. Greenland's ice sheet is melting away too.