> What do Global Warmers think of Matt Drudge?

What do Global Warmers think of Matt Drudge?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Are Global Warmers afraid of Matt Drudge? Are they afraid of his views in the argument against Global Warming? Or not?

Scientific reality does not depend on any persons "views" or "arguments." But if you are going to listen to views about science, it might make sense to consider what Nobel Prize winners in science have to say.

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”





Edit: Good tip, Pegminer:

"A good way of finding out what the next popular Denier question will be, because many are pulled from there."

Why would be afraid of Drudge? I look at his page regularly, it's a good way of finding out what the next popular Denier question will be, because many are pulled from there. He often has incorrectly or terribly misleading headlines, though. He does have lots of good links on his page, and not just to conservatives.

Of course his big claim to fame will always be oral sex and a semen-stained dress.

I seriously doubt that the biggest "global warmer" here, Kano, (who claims warmer = better) is afraid of Matt Drudge.

I am a liberal and I welcome different views, even Matt drudge. Like him I am pro balanced budgets and don't like government waste, unlike him I do not mind paying taxes (After all we do need to pay the police somehow) and I am (partially) pro choice when it comes to both abortion and drugs.

I’d not heard of him by name but I was aware of the Drudge Report, it’s sometimes used as a reference point for climate change sceptics.

As for Mr Drudge himself, I have to respect the fact that he has gone through a tough childhood and a poor education and managed to make a successful career for himself. Upon leaving school he had no qualifications and finished almost last out of the school. He envisaged himself working in dead-end jobs stacking shelves or serving fast food.

His idea to collate news stories that would appeal to a selective audience has worked well, and shows that you don’t necessarily need good academic qualifications to be a success.

His website is essentially a portal for like-minded people and by it’s very nature it is of course selective. Unfortunately Drudge appears to view to subject of climate change as a political one rather than a scientific one. This, in my opinion, is the easiest cop-out of them all and tends to be used by people who have to avoid the science because they don’t understand it.

Am I afraid of his views on global warming? Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Look at CR, "Matt who?" The site with the most hits and CR is unaware of it! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! It shows that CR has his head buried in the sand. And I see CR is not alone in unawareness.

Matt Drudge just accumulates the news from other sources. I have been reading on his site since he broke the Monica Lewinsky case. I have never seen where he takes a stand one way or the other on that site. He had a talk show late Sunday night where he would discredit people like Holdren and Hansen when they would come out with their ignorant proclamations. But I would say the greenies are afraid of him since he exposes them. They would rather keep their scientific findings quiet since they disprove AGW.

Never heard of him. Global Command

Matt Who?

I'm not afraid. Either he has something new to add or he doesn't. If he has found some new reason to believe that AGW is not a problem, his input is welcome. If all he has are the same discredited canards, we have responses to over 170 of them.


I've heard his name, but I don't think anything about him. Since he is not a scientist why are you asking about him here?

Never heard of him

Are Global Warmers afraid of Matt Drudge? Are they afraid of his views in the argument against Global Warming? Or not?