> What's the big deal with global warming?

What's the big deal with global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
But then how would the rich get richer by changing the rules of existence?

Governments investing in new technologies will bring a new wave of millionaires.

500ppm is not a doubling, scientist say a doubling of CO2 will produce an extra 3.7watts per sqm which equates to 1C, so temperatures are not going to rise very much at all, as for sea level well everyone assumes it's because of global warming, but is it? back in the 16th 17th century we had a little ice age when presumably sea levels dropped, sea level rise is probably a rebound from then, and there is no guarantee it will continue to rise.

What you say about adapt instead of prevent of course makes great sense, but it is not acceptable politically, where would all the taxes rules and regulations come from.

Yes we could adjust, and the adjustments required are less than what you state. It is possible warming would not be very much at 500ppm, which is less than a doubling. It might be just 1C or less of warming, and the effects would be negligible.

Sea level rise would not be very much, as it is just a few mm per year.

IF (a big if) that actually occurred, we would adjust, but it would be a costly adjustment. We wouldn't have to move a couple hundred miles, because the encroachment of the seas would be nowhere near that large.

Firstly, CO2 does not drive temperature, that is a Warmists lie. We currently have the highest CO2 levels in thousands of years (according to Warmists) --- YET the world is COOLING and NOT warming. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/rss/fro...

The man-made Global Warming scam is about taking your money and destroying your liberties and that is all it's about.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I've got 85 acres of trees on my farm owned by my family for 230 years in Maine. Are you going to come and replant them in Nova Scotia for me? Also, kick whoever is living in Nova Scotia off their land so I can live with my trees.

Hard to adjust to world wide famine and hurricanes.

'Global warming' is not the correct term, it is 'climate change'.

Your solution to the problem is simplistic, impractical, unworkable and no solution at all.

Whether the changes are man-made or part of a natural cycle cannot be established with any certainty, but man is polluting the atmosphere and the oceans. It seems foolish to carry on regardless the way we are in the face of all that is theorised or suspected.

Far better to go forward with caution and respect for our world and the plants and animals we share it with, than to blindly charge ahead into the unknown at the expense of our future generations and with disregard for the species we have brought to the edge of extinction and beyond into oblivion.

Those who deny climate change, I suspect have a 'personal agenda' which disregards all others.

There is no global warming it's all to do with money just like anything else



Anti-science lies.

A century of actual science.

So the carbon level gets to 500 parts per million, the global temperature goes up a few degrees, why is that such a big problem? Can't we all just move inland, and move north a couple hundred miles (plants and animals too) and then everything will be fine? Couldn't we all adjust?