> How does global climate change affect ocean currents?????

How does global climate change affect ocean currents?????

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
NO. Ocean currents and ocean cycles effectively control our climate, not the other way around, this is new research and we are only just beginning to discover it's effects.

Take the PDO ( Pacific decadal Oscillation) this phenomonen was only discovered in 1997 and it can effect climate over major parts of our world, it also controls the numbers of El Nino's and La Nina's we get.

It doesn't because there NO **man-made** Global Warming or man-made Climate Change or whatever they are calling it this week and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

It takes all the hot global warming straight down to the bottom of the ocean

Air circulation effects ocean currents????.

Not much. I'd quess that since th ehigher latitudes wil warm more than the tropics, the gradients will decrease a little, so will the currents, but probably not noticeably.

It doesn't. Ocean currents are caused by activity deep within.

I'm guessing that the more the earth heats up, the more typhoons there will be and such. But that is only an estimate based on my little knowledge