> Describe Climate Change as a political matter, e.g. greenpeace, friends of the earth?

Describe Climate Change as a political matter, e.g. greenpeace, friends of the earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The nuclear power industry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_pow...

has been the major driving force behind the global warming political movement. http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index...

This is not to say that major global warming activists are pronuclear. However, pro-nuclear activists have been using the issue to get involved in important environmental organizations, become part of the power structure, and adjust their previous anti-nuclear stance to a pro-nuclear one. Many of these organizations have stopped opposing new nuclear power construction. http://atomicinsights.com/2009/11/establ...

Instead, they fight the alternatives to nuclear power, effectively mandating nuclear power. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Proto...

The UN has naturally been an ardent promoter of nuclear power through their International Atomic Energy Agency. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internation...

According to the "The Statute of the IAEA":

"The Agency shall seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world." -- http://www.iaea.org/About/statute.html

Due to the incredible risks to the public that nuclear power poses,

It is all political. There is no science to it. How can increasing taxes change a climate? Ha! Ha! you have to be pretty stupid to swallow that one.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

The head of the IPCC writes forwards to Greenpeace reports: http://www.greenpeace.org/new-zealand/Gl...

Many Greenpeace members are authors in the IPCC reports: http://nofrakkingconsensus.com/2011/04/2...

This list of climate scientists for the WWF science advisory panel contains many authors in the IPCC reports: http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/abo...

Greenpeace activists write studies for the IPCC reports: http://opinion.financialpost.com/2011/06...

This sort of thing applies to many large environmental activist organizations like the EDF, Friends of the Earth, etc.

If you're really serious about this project, I recommend this book for $5. It includes hundreds of links and references like the ones I gave above: http://www.amazon.ca/Delinquent-Teenager...


Edit: More on Greenpeace. As you know, they are an activist organization who campaign for and against various causes. Here is an example. They are generally vehemently against genetically modified (GM) crops going to lengths such as destroying private property.

One crop they fought against is a GM known as "golden rice". This is rice which has been enhanced with vitamin A to fight malnutrition. The WGO estimates that 250,000-500,000 children per year go blind as a result of vitamin A deficiency of which half of those die within a year. Golden rice has been available for the past 12 years yet due to the protestations of organizations like Greenpeace, acceptance has been delayed until last week when the Philippines have finally sensibly announced they are going to begin growing it. By the way, eight million children have died in the past 12 years due to vitamin A deficiency.

"...just 50 grams (roughly two ounces) of golden rice can provide 60 per cent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. They show that golden rice is even better than spinach in providing vitamin A to children." http://www.eco-business.com/opinion/a-go...

So you tell me what Greenpeace's political role is?

You may find this source a helpful starting place:

Its all for the redistribution of wealth . Climate Change is the manufactured crisis.

For example, the increase of airport taxes, petrol taxes and congestion charge taxes in the UK

What does greenpeace and friends of the earth do in this matter? what is their political role?

This is for a college project