> How many climate scientists appeared in Al Gore’s movie; An Inconvenient Truth?

How many climate scientists appeared in Al Gore’s movie; An Inconvenient Truth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


How many climate scientists appeared in; The Great Global Warming Swindle?


If there were any, they hid themselves well.

The only climate scientist I remember from the "Swindle" was Carl Wunsch, and what he said was misrepresented so badly that I think the filmmaker was forced to remove his part in later versions of the Swindle.

I don't remember any in An Inconvenient Truth (although it wouldn't surprise me if there were some), which was mostly an Al Gore slide show--that movie was too much about Al Gore as far as I was concerned.

EDIT: I've watched both (many years ago), they are both propaganda films. Gore's is the more accurate propaganda. The "Swindle" was a piece of garbage.

ANOTHER EDIT: Ok, so, not surprisingly you've admitted your question is ENTIRELY rhetorical. (1) Stop wasting every one's time with questions that you (think you) know the answer to. (2) What possible difference does it make to you? Gary F and I are BOTH climate scientists and you ignore everything we say, as well as every other qualified scientist. We know that you don't believe modern science, so pretending that you judge films by the "number" of scientists in them is pure nonsense. Go back to pretending you're Xi Gua.

I just saw a show on the History Channel that included interviews with a number of UFO-ologists. I guess that means UFOs must be real.


edit --

I know there were none and that is irrelevant - hence my analogy: Denier scientists are mostly like UFO- and Bigfoot-ologists.

Besides, isn't one of the stupid Denier mantras "science is not consensus?" And, yet, here you are parading Bozos as if the more you have, the more "scientific" the science.

If you ask an intelligent question, you'll get intelligent answers. However, it is not reasonable to ask stupid questions and expert to be taken seriously.

Zero. Do I get a prize?



How many climate scientists appeared in; The Great Global Warming Swindle?
