> How can we make renewable energy less competitive?

How can we make renewable energy less competitive?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What you've quoted was/is inevitable. I could crow "I've said this would happen for years" -- and I have. But it's not brilliant insight. Just following the trends.

What you quoted is the obituary for the fossil fuel industry. And (I will crow about and repeat this prediction) -- it does not matter what the environmentalists -- or the special interests, for that matter -- do. The verdict will be spoken in the marketplace. When renewable energy has the competitive advantage (as it now does) the end result will be a drastic decline in fossil fuel use -- and carbon emissions.

The same incentive that has blocked action on climate change --- pure, raw greed -- will now make cutting CO2 emissions an inevitable and unstoppable force.

Australia's example clearly points out why-oh-why the established, non-renewable industries are so adamant in fighting climate change science: they are well aware of the fact that renewable energy sources are far cheaper than the non-renewable energy products they have always offered.

Even when ignoring the whole environmental benefit, consumers have and always will pick the cheapest option available. And that is something they want to avoid at all cost by denying the science, by distorting the facts and by spreading loads of propaganda.

Propaganda like fracking being an option when it is not; fracking is only profitable with a relatively high oil-price. When that drops (ie due to a lower demand because of an increase in renewable energy consumption) the fracking industry starts to lose loads of money.

And as we've sadly gotten accustomed to, the free-marketeers among the deniers here appear to instantly drop their free-market principals as soon as renewable energy companies come into the picture. Thus, free-market principals and healthy capitalism only appear to matter when its multi-billion dollar long established industries which are to (further) profit. When it's a wind-farm or a solar-plant, it's 'liberal environmentalism to establish a New World Order', or any other preposterous conspiracy.

there is no energy stortage in Australia . Australia has plenty of coal and uranium . It's just that we have a rotten government that panders to what ever the Greens want .

Electricity in Korea cost 1/3 what it costs in Australia , and they use coal imported from Australia .

Australian's are being ripped of , because of the communist anti Australian Greens and Labor party

From BNEF.com.....the Bloomberg New Energy Finance website ....the source for the so-called "analysis".

"Bloomberg New Energy Finance was founded by Michael Liebreich in 2004 in order to provide subscription-based services on the clean energy industry."

Is it possible that the "analysis" could be a bit......'Biased', or at very least....not disclosing a complete documentation of the reasons for their claim of renewables being 'cheaper'???

Sounds like you don't need to convince AGW deniers, you simply need to convince some greedy capitalist. I don't care where my electricity comes from, if you find the right people and they can provide me with the electricity I want for $86 a month instead of $100 a month that would be totally awesome.

Easy, Just send it back to the UK and we will be able to scrap all the crippling subsidies that we are saddled with. It sure is a fantastic break through you Aussies have made.

Just take away all the tax payer funded subsidities

You are completely wrong.

In the UK the so called renewables only exist due to massive subsidies which I for one am fed up paying.

Scrap theses polluting monsters.

Whatever the economics of renewable energy is, we in Australia will determine what is viable or not. BNEF and yourself as an American working in this country as some energy advisor (if that is what you are) can disappear, go, vanish. Do not need or want any of the spin doctored garbage that proliferates for political purposes in the lands that are governed by the US Federal Reserve System. Case closed. Go away!

Bloomberg's core business is in the US financial markets as broadcasters of news, and as data providers. Consequently, Fed. influence in whatever Bloomberg does is highly significant - do not be fooled otherwise. Expect easy finance and spin doctored communication from the BNEF for renewable energy companies. Their game plan will be for Government's, and business, to massively borrow and invest in the renewable energy business and eventually to garner control of the energy industry via the regulated carbon tax. Expect these newly developed renewable energy Companies to fail badly due to finance money grabbed out of thin air that then explodes in the popping of the greatest bubble of all time.

You guys are sucked in - BADLY. The economics of renewable energy is one thing - the involvement of Fed. based development of renewable energy is something completely and utterly different.

Gringo - your last sentence has some elements of truth but is anything but preposterous. If a New World Order was to pick one industry that influenced the majority of people in the globe which one would it most likely be? Everyone needs power for their homes and transport and what better way to garner control of the worlds population than to control their access to energy through a tax regulated by Governments that are already under Central Bank control via the monetary printing press. Just remember that all of the massive borrowing required to create a large renewable energy industry feeds back to the banks (as always) through massive interest payments. Whetever economics are involved one thing that can be rest assured is that once renewable energy is established any New World Order can access and control a large percentage of individual income. Graduated percentage rise in energy costs is then at their whim through the carbon tax or whatever other method can be dreamt up and spun to the public. It is not that renewable energy is flawed. It is that the model to create the industry is flawed because it relies upon outragously flawed economics driven by inflation.

The Federal Reserve needs to inflate to minimise the debt that has previously been issued out of thin air. This way the previously issued debt can become smaller in comparison to even greater issues of debt. So keeping the previously issued debt small is TOTALLY reliant upon inflation through ever increasing levels of issued debt. The debt becomes so huge that all it takes is a small trigger to create the initial bank failures that then trigger a massive domino of other failures that bursts the bubble that then creates massive deflation over a sustained period of time. The bubble is already way too big to prevent it from bursting. Any other inflationary schemes dreamt up by the Federal Reserve to prevent the bubble collapse is only adding more fuel to the fire. But this is what is happening and the energy industry has been targeted for this next wave of the inflationary spiral and the mechanisms are being set in place via easy finance for AGW, the carbon tax, and endless spin about climate change.

The bursting of the bubble is what the Federal Reserve fears most because it does them out of business and exposes them to the inflationary fraud that has been perpetrated against the public for decades. They will do anything to prevent it happening but it is not for the benefit of the population via cheap, renewable energy industry. Greed and control are the underlying principles of the Federal Reserve and all that fall under their realm.

Emily - very well said. Glad there are some willing to speak up in Australia against the goody two shoes fraud of the socialised state the Greens spin and want to create if only they could get their way. The Greens and Labour are the ideal accompaniment to the Reserve Bank of Australia for increasing the creation of the down under wing of New World Order. Very interesting to watch how Abbott is attacked about the carbon tax and mining tax in the months leading into the election. Just hope it does not become too scary. The Central Banks want people to borrow and what better way to increase borrowings than a Greens/Labour Government. Howard/Costello paid the previous massive Labour debt and created the surplus buffer that prevented major drama during 2008/09. Now look at the Government balance sheet after 5 odd years of spin doctored theft disguised as "fairness".

What is it that that you don't understand about Australia? Global warming is registered in the Northern Hemisphere. The Southern hemisphere is always denied. Look at ocean temperatures! This is the stupidity about "Global Warming"! Everyone is looking north. The Arctic melting is the main concern, but we never talk about the 1800s when it comes to Australia. Look at the history: http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Wea...

Australia has been very hot and has been in trouble in the 1800s. That's why I posted my link. If you want to rely on present measurements to prove your point, then you have to deal with the past. Don't make accusations without understanding how our world works. Our past has it's ways to help us understand our future. Don't just try and make people believe trends are the rule. That makes you look stupid.!

I know that you want to believe Al Gore, but reality has things under control. Our input is less than 1% when it comes to our effect on Greenhouse Gases. How many scientists need to tell you this? You can get your information from "Skepticle Science" but Dana has no clue either. He's getting paid to perpetuate the claim at that website. He's getting paid for this. It's your game, but I ain't playin. Get a grip on what is really happening! Do you really want me to come to your house and explain it to you? I will!

We have an issue of who controls the media. It's a monetary issue. Most people know that money rules the issues. You seem to have the money. Not my issue. I'm just trying to help with reality. I consider you another moron trying to perpetuate a false bravada. That's my opinion but i think it is real. Nice try jungle jim!

Why is it relevant to blame a human being? You use this as way to deter people and to make them feel guilty when there are 2 billion people that have never experienced electricity. It's no wonder why people are pissed at the U.S.. I would love environmentalists, but I have no clue why they want people that have never experienced electricity to not have ever experienced it. Let's find some balance here. I'm sure we can get rid of the Elites (Rothschild idiots) (Rockefellers, Bush's, and the like). I'm a republican, but I'm willing to let Reagan go in the ame of helping all of people. Jungle Jim is a pooch! He's just playing a flute. We'll figure it out.

There is a serious energy crisis in Australia - even without the carbon tax renewables are now cheaper than building new coal or gas fired power stations.

How can we make renewables more expensive so that the climate change denier industry can maintain their myths?

"A new analysis from research firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance has concluded that electricity from unsubsidised renewable energy is already cheaper than electricity from new-build coal and gas-fired power stations in Australia.

The modeling from the BNEF team in Sydney found that new wind farms could supply electricity at a cost of $80/MWh –compared with $143/MWh for new build coal, and $116/MWh for new build gas-fired generation.These figures include the cost of carbon emissions, but BNEF said even without a carbon price, wind energy remained 14 per cent cheaper than new coal and 18 per cent cheaper than new gas."


Should we also ban the use of solar energy storage systems (such as the old technology used in http://www.haifa-group.com/products/k_solar/) to support the climate change denier myths that renewables cannot maintain base load supply?

Renewable's being cheaper to build is only part of it, unfortunately renewable's only work when the sun shines, the wind blows, the tide moves, making supplying power when needed and fulfilling peak loads extremely difficult.

What storage systems, your link didn't work.

Fossil fuel system's are proven and of known reliability, renewable's as of now, are not.