> Man Made Climate change deniers, is there no limit of the amount of C02 that can be put into the atmosphere?

Man Made Climate change deniers, is there no limit of the amount of C02 that can be put into the atmosphere?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Greenhouse Effect cannot be altered by Man?

If you are talking about survival, then there is an upper bound and lower bound for CO2.

We are currently at about 400 ppm. At the start of the industrial revolution it is believed we were at 260 ppm. Of course our ability to measure the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere was not terribly great prior to 1950.

At 150 ppm, plants start dying off in mass quatities. Generally rises in CO2 are beneficial for plants up to a certain point and rises beyond say 1000-1500 ppm are neutral. But CO2 can be harmful to animals at certain levels. For constant breathing, we want the CO2 concentration to stay below 5000 ppm in order to not adversely affect animals in terms of breathing.

All of the CO2 that we have burned throughout the alst 150 years has only contributed 140 ppm. Thankfully, our power source has been contributing CO2 to the atmosphere and not taking CO2 out of the atmosphere. You can imagine that if we were taking CO2 out at the same rate, we would have gone from 260 ppm to 120 ppm and life on Earth would be dying.

As for causing problems, obviously CO2 is a greenhouse gas, but luckily not too terribly powerful. The past 140 additional ppm has only raised the temps by about 0.8 degrees over the last 100 years. By accounts, the earth has been about 4 degree cooler in the past and about 10 degrees warmer, dependent on which paleoclimate records you believe.

Warming causes some problems, as does cooling. Generally warming causes less problems than cooling, but we should likely reduce our CO2 output to avoid problems as we are uncertain as to whether the positive aspects of warming will be outweighed by the negative.

Trees grow better during warmer years and plants do better with more CO2, so there are positive aspects. But Sea level rises are not good. The seas are currently rising by about 3 mm/year or about an inch every 8 years. Not terribly scary, but can cause problems. There are some climate change issues, but the effect is unknown.

My view, is cut back until we know the effect. Relative to the history of the Earth, CO2 is very low, and temperatures are also low. It may be that adding CO2 to the earth is a good thing. But until it is known, my advice is caution and reducing CO2 emissions, but not panicking and trashing economies to do so.

There will be a limit when we run out of carbon (or oxygen).

However, in the past, the level of atmospheric CO2 was many times higher than it is now. How did the level reduce to its current value? Could that happen again? If not then why not?

Where did the carbon and oxygen come from to make the landscape below?

Man is responsible for .05% . internal earth warming ie. volcanoes etc... about 45% and the sun about 35% and the rest is from methane from several global areas . these are the facts and only the facts. the earth always repairs itself no matter what we do and we can do nothing about even if we didnt put CO2 into the atmosphere.. the earth is bigger than you and me and can at any given time throughout history change its climate and there is nothing that can be done about it.I hope that settles the conspiracy because i am quite frankly tired of hearing about it and much smarter than you conspiracy nuts

No. Natural carbon sinks such as plants and other life forms will prosper and absorb the CO2 just as it has happened in the past

The "Greenhouse Effect" assumes that cases are being trapped in our atmosphere. Tell us what traps them. Is there some sort of dome or globe surrounding our little planet that keeps these gases from leeching harmlessly into space? Please tell me you're NOT that simple and moronic.

When our government shuts down coal-fired electric plants the difference will be, out of the whole planet ,,, 1.8% less Co2 in the total atmosphere of the whole planet over the next 100 years... Man-made Global Warming is a lie.

They would like to think so.

If I thought that wishing would make something so, I would wish for several million dollars.

The Greenhouse Effect cannot be altered by Man?