> Is my son's laundry hamper a toaster?

Is my son's laundry hamper a toaster?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not enough information. Are the towels hot? Or is this a chemical reaction?

Yes, Pindar m makes a good point. Don't let this out, especially to Obama. They will invent a new tax. I can see it now, a closet tax.

In Maryland they are taxing rain. Ha! Ha! What will these evil people think of next?

It's probably just that 1. he gets the towels really wet, then 2. they dry completely in the exact same position, without moving.

Try it with, well, pretty much any piece of cotton fabric. Get it sopping wet, then leave it undisturbed until it's completely dry. It will get kind of stiff.

You don't need to worry about spontaneous combustion unless your son has, for example, a magnifying glass focusing light on his laundry basket.

It is being caused by the towels being placed in the sun whilst still damp.

In extreme circumstances it could lead to spontaneous combustion, be aware.

Maybe it's a compost pile. Especially if urine is involved ( high nitrogen content ).

i didnot get it bt it may be

Please don't tell this story to the ipcc or it will soon be printed as peer reviewed proof of man made global warming.

propably his dried semen

Whenever I do the laundry I find his towels hard and crispy as if they have been cooking all night long. Could it be that the shape and location of it in his room with the sun coming in through the window is causing a sort of toaster-effect? Is this a fire hazard?