> Am i a denialist or alarmist?

Am i a denialist or alarmist?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Anti-climate-science denialists ARE alarmists (so the presumed duality in the question is false to begin with). Denials "think" (stretching the word) that the world will become a totalitarian state if it taxes carbon, willfully ignorant of the fact that most developed countries have taxed gasoline (a carbon fuel) for nearly a century, and yet there is still a free press in London, still free speech in Sweden, and freedom to be a gun-worshipping idiot in Texas.

The statement in the question is ambiguous as to your position. But, if you accept a century of solid science you are not a denier. If you do not accept a century of solid science you are a denier, a dupe, or poorly informed.

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”




What is this "nature" you think does the driving? Earth is continually illuminated with 173 petawatts of sunlight. If you take a greenhouse gas like CO2 and and double it, you are going to affect how that amount of energy flow behaves. Man is putting the boots to that energy flow by dumping a million kilograms/second of CO2 into the atmosphere and an enormous amount of heat is being retained where it wasn't before.

I'd say you were somewhat uninformed.

I wouldn't stick you with either a denier or alarmist label based on your statement. Science seems to consider human activities more influential on climate change than you do but is trying to get a better handle on how much influence our activities actually have.

You are a believer. That makes you anti-science. Belief is for religions and politics. If you think I am being unfair, I believe you began each of your sentences proving my point. Idiots like some of the earlier posts try to link proper scientific skepticism with holocaust denial. They wouldn't be so offensive if it weren't for the fact that it was bozos like that that let the first holocaust happen. Instead of feeling that you have to believe in something, look at the evidence and make your best evaluation based on the evidence and be willing to change your opinion as new evidence is discovered.

Nobody is going to stop global warming because not only our politicians but society is mutually selfish.Politicians don't have a cure for global warming unless people stop driving vehicles,recycle,stop dumping waste into our waters,etc.We can't throw the blame on politicians when there are more people in society than there are politicians.The fact is,the cars people drive every day kill the polar bears, destroy our healthy water and give children brain cancer.The government knows how to make a vehicle and run it on electricity or water but haven't done too much about it and neither have the people.Also,nuclear plants play a big factor and we pay for NASA to go into space and leave nuclear waste on Earth. They've even made a mess in space now.There is a whole bunch of space-junk drifting around.Look it up on google and there should be a picture.Human beings are pigs and it's a shame because we have a beautiful planet with so much potential.

You have a dangerous level of common sense about you.

I guess it comes down to what you base the claim "climate change is mainly driven by nature but Human activities have had some influence"

This is certainly true for past natural climate change but the science is showing the current change is being driven by our activity, primarily the large rise in atmospheric Co2 levels, of which there is no real doubt we are responsible for.

It's not volcanic as it has been in the past, we are in fact producing 100x the Co2 that volcanoes currently do.


Given there is no science group that disputes climate change, what I wonder do you base your assertion on, Wishful thinking a blog you read perhaps, hard to say as you supply nothing at all to suggest what you base your position on, sadly that's a strong feature of denial.

Well a warmist There are no alarmists here that is just what some of the most ignorant deniers call us. A denier denys global warming is man made

If enough people believe in a myth, it becomes considered as common knowledge.

Climate change is an hypothesis as yet unproven.

I would consider you as a lukewarm warmist, and yes we should consider our emissions and our climate and with an open mind research them and take actions when we know for certain what we are doing is right.

I think you are alarmist.

I believe that global warming is a real occurrence and i would more appropriately call it climate change. I believe we should be aware of our changing climate and in the mid-long term focus on reducing our emissions for a better environment for future generations. I believe that climate change is mainly driven by nature but Human activities have had some influence.

I would say an alarmist

I would recommend that you read a book called state of fear

It is fiction but full of facts about global warming.

Greenwashed alarmist.

I would recommend you watch this, if you haven't already. Then you'll have the facts to decide.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

No matter what they call you, you are wrong!