> Has the global warming tipping point passed?

Has the global warming tipping point passed?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
HOURS: Flashback March 2009: 'We have hours' to prevent climate disaster -- Declares Elizabeth May of Canadian Green PartyDays: Flashback Oct. 2009:

UK's Gordon Brown warns of global warming 'catastrophe'; Only '50 days to save world'

Months: Prince Charles claimed a 96-month tipping point in July 2009

Years: 2009: NASA’s James Hansen Declared Obama Only First Term to Save The Planet! ― ‘On Jan. 17, 2009 Hansen declared Obama only ‘has four years to save Earth’ or Flashback Oct .2009: WWF: 'Five years to save world'

Decades: 1982: UN official Mostafa Tolba, executive director of the UN Environment Program (UNEP), warned on May 11, 1982, the 'world faces an ecological disaster as final as nuclear war within a couple of decades unless governments act now.'

Oh yes. It is already too late. So we must all bow down and give obeisance to the High Priest Al Gore. (Please send your money too.)

Jimmy Hansen has retired as of March of last year. He is now a full time Communist activist. Does that tell you something?

The real answer: There never was a catastrophic treat of GW. Never has and never will be. That statement by Jimmy the Commie Hansen made Al Gore $100 million richer. That was its intended purpose.

There is a new book out that claims we'll all be dead by 2393. I think I will be dead then so I don't care.

there's no such thing as a tipping point, this is a proven fact by history, otherwise the climate would have tipped when co2 levels were 20 times higher.

Passed, Yes apparently so as things seems to be getting cooler, in spite of all the hot air on the subject.

I hope not. But we will only know if we convert to clean energy right now. And only when we have had the chance to see the full effects of the feedbacks.

No, he was a bit hyperbolic.

On Jan 2, 2004, Global warming guru Dr. Jimmy Hansen pronounced "that there is only a ten-year window to act on AGW before climate Armageddon destroys humanity." Now that this ten year window has come and gone, are we destroyed but just don't know it, or were Hansen's scientific predictions just off by a few years?