> Name a climate scientist who denies there has been a global warming pause/hiatus?

Name a climate scientist who denies there has been a global warming pause/hiatus?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just one if you can, and not that heat is still happening, but that atmospheric temperatures have not stopped rising.

Trevor, Peggy, Jeff M, antarcticice, Chem Flunky, linlyer, Climate Realist, just to name a few. Now you might say they are not Climate Scientists. Well, they think they are, even though their answers prove otherwise. They are each legends in their own mind.

I would be careful how you word this type of question. You are correct that most if not all reputable climate scientists recognize the "pause".

However, many those climate scientists claim that warming has not actually stopped but rather the excess heat is going into the deep oceans rather than raising the average global surface temperature.

The most knowledgeable scientists can see that the climate is at a plateau, there are research papers proving this fact. However there are a few less educated members of the community who will always think the earth is warming in spite of the facts. They are more politicians then they are scientists. Pseudo scientists is the best description.

Tamino aka Grant Foster has written climate science papers, though he is more a stats guy.

as they all get grants and sponsors by panic warnings they just are not going to cut off their source of finance it has already been established that there has been no warming since 1998 and the polar ice is 23% higher than forecast already

Who cares what a few useful idiots for oil corps think, AGW is a fact, time to get on and find a solution

Just one if you can, and not that heat is still happening, but that atmospheric temperatures have not stopped rising.