> Which is more of a threat to National security, CO2 generation or ISIS?

Which is more of a threat to National security, CO2 generation or ISIS?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Global warming caused ISIS! Don't you know anything Sage? ISIS came to power because of Bush's foreign policy blunders and the rapidly changing climate in the Middle East.

ISIS is only a danger to the fossil fuel industry, nothing else, we fight them because if they are in control of Iraqi oil, we are not and i would argue that controlling Iraq oil is not worth it when we can use renewable's. I mean, i might be wrong to think that, but having a debate about it is virtually impossible and Its a real tragedy for the human race that we have to pretend this conflict is about crazy religious people or the atrocities they're carrying out. If we're ever to advance as a species we need to be more honest with ourselves.

ISIS is mainly the result of the Bush Administration's screw-ups in Iraq. CO2 generation has a longer history.

This "question" is an apples vs oranges comparison. It is like asking which do you love more, spending time with your wife or flaunting your ignorance of science here?

BOTH are false problems.

co2. isis is very local.