> Can someone please explain global warming to me and what the controversy is all about?

Can someone please explain global warming to me and what the controversy is all about?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just really interested, i could never fully grasp the concept

Before I go into the long winded version, I'll try to state the issue more simply. The controversy is over how much humans are warming the Earth vs. natural causes, how much of a negative impact warming will cause and whether or not there is something we could do about it such that the benefits outweigh the costs.

I'll also state that there is generally no disagreement that humans are causing warming (CO2 from fossil fuels being the main cause) and that temperatures and sea levels have risen in the past 150 years. People who bring this up are simply trying to re-frame the argument through the use of logic fallacy being a strawman or red herring.

In the long winded version, the controversy actually covers two distinct areas, political and scientific.


The political controversy is quite wide ranging from points of view that some see global warming as an excuse to increase taxes to the more extreme end of being some sort of more towards global governance and a resulting reduction of sovereignty. Even among those who support efforts to curb CO2 emissions, there is disagreement on the best mechanism to achieve this.

Some see this issue as an opportunity to get more control over humans and how they interact with the environment. People on the other side see this as an infringement of their freedoms.

Some see the support for "clean" energy in the form of grants, subsidies, low cost loans, etc. while the other side see this as a waste of money which could better used the myriad of other problems that seem more immediate.


The scientific controversy is also quite wide ranging. However, the most basic specific issue is climate sensitivity, which is the response of the climate system to the addition of CO2 to the atmosphere. The mainstream position is generally summed up by the IPCC in that the median warming for a doubling of CO2 is 3C. More skeptical views state this number is too high. Skeptics point to uncertainty in several very important climate processes the most prominent being the processes surrounding cloud cover and the effect of atmospheric aerosols.

Recently though, even some pro-warming scientists have been coming up with studies which suggest 3C is on the high end.

Another issue in climate science is the extent of the negative effects of a warmer world. One of the main concerns is rising sea levels. There is some disagreement on how much the oceans will rise by the end of the century based on several scenarios. There's even disagreement about how much the sea levels are currently rising.

Its a theory of the earth becoming a greenhouse thru man made carbon emmissions into the Earths atmospherere. Which in turn causes the Polar Icecaps to melt, thus causing the sea levels to rise and the Earths seawater temperature to rise. some of the green house gasses are Methane , Carbon Dioxide , Carbon Minoxide. And other gasses that are too long to list here. Deforestation and the decreasing plankton are also contributers. The controversy on this topic (From the opposing side) is the earth goes thru natural cycles and the Earths autmosphere is not solely responsible for the sea temperature. They also counter that Solar Flares and other astronomy related occurrences are responsible for the climate.

Global warming;

The gradual increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere, believed to be due to the greenhouse effect, caused by increased.

The global warming controversy concerns the public debate over whether global warming is occurring, how much has occurred in modern times, what has caused it, what its effects will be, whether any action should be taken to curb it, and if so what that action should be. In the scientific literature, there is a strong consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused primarily by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases.

read this website if you want to know more


this site will explain about the facts of global warming


good luck!

Global warming is the scientific fact that the earths climate is warming due to human activities such as deforestation and industrial activity. Scientists predict that this increase in temperature will alter the climate to the point where conditions will become unfavorable or even hostile for human life.

The controversy is around the fact that some people feel that the scientists are trying to impose on their free market economy, which they perceive as the only real way to solve a problem (let the consumer decide). Now the real problem is that in order to protect their industries, the free market people have started a misinformation campaign to cause public doubt about global warming.

Check out Naomi Oreskes' book and lectures called "Merchants of Doubt". She is a science historian who shows that the same people who created public doubt about cigarettes causing cancer and the harm of nuclear bombs are creating public doubt about climate change. Pretty scary stuff.

All in all, just look at as many sources from both sides of the debate and decide for yourself!

P.S. "the Great Global Warming Swindle" is a debunked piece of garbage that only fools would think is credible. Just read about it online.

From National Geographic:

Scientists used the phrase "global warming" to describe the atypical increase in the Earth's surface temperature since the beginning of the 20th century. They increasingly prefer the use of the phrase "climate change," however, to describe the complex changes the Earth's climate is undergoing, according to the National Academies. (See References 4, page 2)

Human Activities:

Concern about global warming and climate change grew out of the evidence that human activities contribute to the release of greenhouse gases that can cause not only changes in temperature, but wind patterns, rainfall and snowfall. People are altering the composition of the atmosphere with emissions from transportation, agriculture, manufacturing and many other activities. (See References 1, pages 2-3)

Greenhouse Effect:

The greenhouse effect is a vital natural process that prevents all of the sun's heat from simply reflecting back out into space. Clouds and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide naturally trap a portion of the sun's heat. Without greenhouse gases, the planet would be 60 degrees colder and life could not exist in these conditions. (See References 1, page 2) Humans produce greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, by burning fossil fuels to power homes and factories, generating waste and cutting down trees. Since 1750, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased over 36 percent, methane has increased over 148 percent and nitrous oxide has increased over 18 percent. (See References 1, page 3)

There is more info -- see link:


In simple terms what I understand, I will explain.

Global warming is increasing carbondioxide and decreasing oxygen in air. Due to which change in climate is called global warming. Planting more and more trees could solve the problem. But main problem is the number of trees planted every day is faaaaaaaar less than number of trees cut every day. There may be a day when we will not have trees. I hope this will never happen.

There isn't anyone up to date who believes in 'Global Warming'. Even its supporters know it isn't true so now they terrify you with words like 'Climate Change'. Would someone out there quantify Climate Change? Define it clearly enough so that we can test it. I lived in a small town and there were some kids who believed in the 'Boogy Man' who lived under the bridge. I lived not too far from that bridge and being the naive little kid that I was went down there many times to see what this Boogy Man looked like. Never did see that man but I did see young lovers down there. Do you think someone started that rumor to chase us pests off? However, I had several friends who say they saw that Boogy Man even into their teens.

You see it boils down to this. If you make up a lie a certain percent of the people will believe it. Now if an official of the government helps that lie along even more people will believe it. If unscrupulous but seemingly authentic experts support it then even more people will people will believe it. Hitler and Stalin brought this lying to a fine art or an exact science, if you will. Hitler laughed about it and stated in his book Mien Kampf "if you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough the masses of the people will believe it." This science of lying is used by propagandists and admen alike to this day and the same percentage of people fall for it. People on Madison Avenue make a living making you feel better about using a certain product even if it isn't any better than another.

People still belonged to the Flat Earth Society even after a picture of Earth taken from a spaceship was shown to them. And that was how many years after Galileo?

Even Abraham Lincoln knew about this exact formula when he said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." But these Hucksters like Al Gore keep trying because they unquestionably get rich by lying to us.

Then the real identification as to who the liars are is when they start calling you names. My dad said, "You know you have won the argument when they start calling you names."

If you want to be fooled by these propagandists that's alright by me but keep you hands out of my pocket and give us our liberties back.

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Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect. The resulting high levels of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels add to air pollution, creating a vicious cycle of destruction, where increased fires are both a result of changes in weather and a contributory factor to these changes. Very dangerous for the planet earth, on the verge of extinction!

There is no controversy among top scientists. It is a complex issue, and there many unexplained and/or debated-about details, but the basic scientific consensus that long term human-caused global change is real, significant, and mostly negative for our economy has been rock-solid for two decades.


If you really want to understand you should not listen to anyone here. You should watch this very interesting movie in which some of the world's top climate scientists appear. They say there is in fact NO man-made Global Warming and explain what the hoax is really all about.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Just really interested, i could never fully grasp the concept