> Has anyone seen this new article from Live Science about the 'pause' in global warming?

Has anyone seen this new article from Live Science about the 'pause' in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I found the article interested but it goes back and forth between scientific information and scientific speculation to opinion driven information.

If you take a step back and read it for content and structure you might even find parts of it somewhat funny.

Example: From a logical standpoint, how can you go from a statement that the models were not able to predict this and the models are unable to predict when it will end to a statement of warming returning will be inexorable? In a logical construct this makes no sense.

Example: From a logical standpoint, how do you go from there are varying ideas about where the heat has gone to more or less stating, later in the article, that the heat is in the oceans. Again this makes little sense and points towards a strong opinion based bias.

The article may be from Live Science, but there is very little scientific value in it. for the scientific value these logical flops need to be dealt with and data along with data sources need to be provided.

Just MHO.

This is what occurs when you place a LINEAR warming with a PDO oscillation that has an amplitude of around 0.3 degrees.

There is warming. We need to work at reducing our CO2 emission. It is NOT the end of the world. We are talking about linear warming here, not the end of humanity. So if we actually work at making smart changes like going towards nuclear power, increasing efficiency, recycling, reducing and reusing, we can actually make changes that do not involve taxation schemes or giving our children nightmares about some climate apocalypse.

C, The top of a plateau is still flat.

There has been no pause in global warming There has been a serious slowdown in the surface warming, but not an actual pause. The ocean warming has more than compensated for that and global warming has not stopped That is denier bullsh*t There has been a serious slowdown in surface temps, but even that wasn't a pause You people really need to get a grip on reality

How the **** can there be a pause when 2013 was tied for the fourth warmest year globally in 134 years and 2000-20010 was the warmest decade in 134 years You deniers are simply deluded and led around by the nose by professional deniers/charlatans Soon you will think the world is flat and the sun revolves around the earth How pathetic


"The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the January–March period (year-to-date) was 0.60°C (1.08°F) above the 20th century average of 12.3°C (54.1°F), the seventh warmest such period on record".


Seems to me thereare different interpretation of the word pause:

1. A reduction in the rate Of warming

2. The warming has stopped

3. Warming is done and we're cooling

Only deniers use 2 and 3. Few clarify with 1, let alone that it's only for land surface temeratures for a statistically short period

There is no historical evidence of any mild global warming similar to what has been occurring since the end of the little ice age in the mid 19th century has ever caused climate catastrophes that AGW alarmists are claiming.

The article is guesswork. What seems to be happening is that there is a steady increase in temperature with a cyclic oscillation superimposed. This results in periods of warming followed by flatlining. We need to understand what the causes are. Having one side jump up and down when it is warming and the other side reciprocating when it is flatlining is not furthering anyone's cause.

As for C claiming there is no pause, remind me what a denier is, please? Is it someone who denies what the scientists are saying? See below for some scientists who have talked about the pause:

" ... we find that the continued warming stagnation over fifteen years, from 1998 -2012, is no longer consistentwith model projections ..."

Hans von Storch, Armineh Barkhordarian, Klaus Hasselmann and Eduardo Zorita.


"Global mean surface temperatures rose rapidly from the 1970s, but have been relatively flat over the most recent 15 years to 2013."

The UK Met Office


"Despite the continued increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, the annual-mean global temperature has not risen in the twenty-first century"

Yu Kosaka & Shang-Ping Xie


"Recent intensification of wind-driven circulation in the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatus"

Matthew H. England, Shayne McGregor, Paul Spence, Gerald A. Meehl, Axel Timmermann, Wenju Cai, Alex Sen Gupta, Michael J. McPhaden, Ariaan Purich & Agus Santoso


"Climate Models and the Hiatus in Global-Mean Surface Warming of the Past 15 Years"

IPCC AR5 WG1 Box 9.2


"Leading climate scientist Kevin Trenberth has told reportingclimatescience.com that he believes the pause in global warming may be caused by long term changes in the Pacific Ocean."


"Sixteen years into the mysterious ‘global-warming hiatus’, scientists are piecing together an explanation."

Jeff Tollefson - Nature Climate Change


A really sh!tty piece of propaganda which makes little sense


Apparently, once global warming starts up again, it's going to be really bad. It's inexorable.