> Global warming essay?

Global warming essay?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First, you need to narrow down your topic. Global warming is an extremely large topic. You can write an entire 50 page essay on the effect of global warming on species in Alaska. If you are simply wanting to talk about whether or not AGW is happening, then you need to determine what type of paper you are writing.

You can go into a science-based paper. If you do this, then you want to google the Keeling curve, greenhouse gasses, the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere and the temperature record.

Intro: Co2 is a greenhouse gas (GHG). GHGs work like this. This is how much CO2 we place into the atmosphere. This is the effect on the keeling curve. This is the effect on the temperature.

For papers, say what you are going to say, say it, then say what you said. So summarize the main points and how you will demonstrate AGW is occurring. In the body go into the details, use references, quote scientists. Cover each point with at least one paragraph. For the ending, state what you said in the intro and maybe suggest methods for reducing CO2.

That all being said, I think global warming is grossly exagerrated, but good luck.

If you want to make A's and B's on papers the rest of your life, realize one thing. You cannot write as well as the people who are experts in the field. Quote and summarize them. Above all REFERENCE!!!! Quote and reference, quote and reference.

A good argumentative essay will include information about the opposite point of view, and refute those arguments with its own thoughts and ideas. It makes for a more interesting paper.

These are my arguments, please refute them in your paper. Actually, I don't disagree with global warming. I do disagree with what the alarmists say should be done about it. I support the current U.S. strategy under president Obama, which is to continue to burn fossil fuels at an increasing rate, while talking about the opposite. Because on earth CO2 is a necessary and helpful atmospheric component. Think of it as your favorite warm fuzzy plant feeding blanket.

We don't deny the change in earth's temperature, but we do deny the alarmist's solution. The solution of taxing ourselves and giving you our money.

The real inconvenient truth, is that the answer to global warming, is......global warming! A longer growing season gives plants more time to conduct photosynthesis.

Scientists have a non-political consensus that photosynthesis converts CO2 to O2. When scientists are non-political, they are believable. Earth has a self correcting CO2/O2 ecosystem due to its plant life.

A feedback loop system like this one is one of the most stable systems you can have.

The other system that earth has that helps maintain our temperature is the water cycle. When the earth warms, the atmosphere can hold more water. This creates more clouds. Clouds are white. The color white reflects more sunlight back to space than other colors.

So earth has at least 2 robust systems in place to regulate temperature. These systems are ignored by the models that project exponential rise in temperature.

Giving more money to your government/scientist does not affect these natural processes. However, pointing out these inconvenient facts gets them really cranky. Thumbs down if these facts make you cranky!

http://drroyspencer.com Global Warming 101


Go to the National Academy of Sciences. There are two pamphlets and a series of videos available.


The NAS is the academy of America's greatest scientists. It is the most important and credible science association in the world. It's very reason to exist is to advise the nation on matters of complex science. From there you get the real deal: a serious presentation of what real scientists know about climate.

See climate change and AGW controversy on Wikipedia.

They have info and references.

Hmm " If you don't believe in it don't even bother answering because you are just wasting your time and mine"

Typical closed mind, brainwashed nerd.


Try looking at the facts.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Here's my usual go-to list of sources:







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)

Good luck!

Start with NASA.


Afraid of the truth, huh?

Okay so I know a lot of conservatives don't believe in global warmin but Idgaf. I'm writing an essay on global warming and how it's real and stuff and I was wondering if anyone had a good title or good places to find information? Thanks if you do that's really helpful. If you don't believe in it don't even bother answering because you are just wasting your time and mine. But if you do thank you sooooooooooo much in advance.

"because you are just wasting your time and mine."

You're already wasting your own time. Now you're wasting mine.

Go to another school.