> Good solutions to global warming?

Good solutions to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What are some good solutions to global warming

and Why it's better than other solutions

Global Warming is already our friend and it doesn't need a solution. It's actually what saved us from the ice ages.

Gore's Warming is a concoction of that liberal lunatic and fat pig Al Gore, who was influenced by demonic voices in his head. His wild rantings have been debunked by the world's leading prominent scientists, and we need to oust every Democrat in office who supports this insanity.

The Democratic Party needs to be starved out of existence in order for the United States to survive. Here is a link that exposes the Global Warming Hoax:


Cut all the funding to the man-made Global Warming SCAM is the best solution.

You can't fix a problem that does not exist.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Shut down all taxpayer-funded "research"/subsidy money.

I guarantee that "Catastrophic, Man-made Global Warming will simply go away.

Personally, I favor carbon taxes. I think they can do the most good to reduce our fossil fuel use, while putting the fewest "hard" restrictions on behavior.

My solution would be to not do anything. Climate will change. It always has and always will. Temperatures may go up slightly or they may go down slightly. We will learn how to live with it either way.

Nothing Cant control the Climate

It is an obvious scam so do not support the scam artists either monetarily or with your liberties. In time it will twist on the vine.

Humanity should use it to the fullest advantage and prosper.

What are some good solutions to global warming

and Why it's better than other solutions