> Should we have criminal penalties for climate deniers?

Should we have criminal penalties for climate deniers?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The inventor of JavaScript was thrown out as Mozilla chairman because he opposed the redefining of marriage. Will global warming opponents be next to lose their job for 'unpopular' views?

In the very near future people will in fact question why the science of the warming planet was not taken seriously, and although it may well be already to late, the costs that the people of the planet will have to pay in the future will indeed make those that call themselves deniers or skeptics criminal. This is however a poor site to discuss your point, as I am sure you are seeing, it gives the silly a stage on which to vent.

I do hope that you continue to learn more about this subject and are in fact one of the people that improves humanities future.

This was a stupid question when it was asked a day or two ago by a different denier--it's more like a dead fish than a fine wine, it doesn't get better with age.

EDIT for Sagebrush: The religious nut-jobs DID imprison Galileo. Now the religious nut-jobs deny global warming and try to get Michael Mann arrested.

AGW cultists advocate murder of AGW dissenters. Hell they made a PSA in the UK depicting a small child who showed doubt regarding AGW getting murdered by a government paid authority figure. Poor kid told his teacher he wasn't convinced and the teacher pressed a button and blew the kid up spraying his classmates with the entrails.

AGW cultists are violent individuals.

Nah, it would be much easier if you just took it upon yourself to hunt down every person who denies there is climate and drag them kicking and screaming to the gallows.

Skeptics of significant AGW typically believe in climate change. It is sheep that believe everything they are told to believe that believe climates were stable until humans came along.

Yes we should have cameras in every house checking on what people say, gulags or prison camps to lock away any dissenters, and gas chambers to exterminate the serious offenders.

No, just stop giving them equal air time on news programs.

Sure, the Nobel piece prize, we just have to give any earnings to Gore and Obama.

They threatened Galileo with imprisonment and even worse. I guess history DOES repeat itself.

No one denies that there is climate.

And that statement proves why humanity has to fight the eco-nazi movement

Fortunately if you mean climate change deniers, being stupid isn't a crime

Naw. They're already paying an iq penalty, .... or an Ananias penalty.

No, of course not. You cannot legislate against stupid.

But for environmental vandals, yes.

And that statement proves its a religon