> H2O produced by burning fossil fuels makes summer hotter and winter colder. How to stop burning fossil fuels?

H2O produced by burning fossil fuels makes summer hotter and winter colder. How to stop burning fossil fuels?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
its tough because we have what is called a "spinning reserve of electricity" in our grid. there are no batteries and the power stations are constantly pumping out juice to keep them charged. that is why coal is preferred because it provides a good "baseload of power" meaning they can run it for a very long time and pump out allot of juice. Solar/wind/tidal could all be used but we would have to build massive battery banks to collect the electricity to a point where we could keep the existing grid charged. Because that is unfeasible it has been suggested that natural gas plants be used to supplement solar/wind/tidal because the plants can be turned off and on in a matter of seconds. opposed to coal that burns for weeks and then has to be cleaned.

We are still a long way from being rid of using fossil fuels but natural gas does burn a little bit cleaner than coal and we could start investing in thorium reactors like India. it produces no CO2 and the radioactive waste has a half life of around 50 years which is much more manageable than plutonium or uranium wastes thousands of years half lives.

Find an alternative to fossil fuels.

But no water does not make a summer hotter or a winter colder.

H2O produced by burning fossil fuels is insignificant, after all 70% of our earth is covered by water, and water vapor is self regulated by evaporation, convection and condensation.

Earths water cycle is a huge machine and H2O produced by burning hydrocarbons is like p!ssing in the ocean.

The only way to add a substantial amount of water to the atmosphere is by raising the global mean temperature--otherwise it quickly condenses out. That is the problem with burning fossil fuels--they release CO2 which DOES increase the temperature and hence the amount of water vapor. The direct effect is irrelevant.

Are you Maxx? You ask the same sort of dumb questions that he does.

It's not the H2O, it's the CO2. And CO2 doesn't make winter colder. Carbon dioxide traps heat. For carbon dioxide to cause cooling would violate the laws of thermodynamics.

It is impossible to stop burning fossil fuels. Our economy depends on them.

First, how does adding water vapor to the atmosphere reduce winter temperatures (it does not). Second, the amount that is produced compared to the amount in the atmosphere already is trivial. It's CO2 and methane that we have to worry about.

NO= what your getting is weather like the 1970's before Global Warming, since Global Warming ended in 2012. All non solids that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness Only fuels that burn, burn to heat or run products. You'll just have to get used to the weather or leave the planet. Mike

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