> Do you guys think global warming is an huge issue that needs to be resolved?

Do you guys think global warming is an huge issue that needs to be resolved?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


I doubt that Al Gore being president would have made that much difference. Al Gore can talk the talk, but I don't know if he could walk the walk. He has a jet and a huge house. Denialists love to point that out as if it invalidates the science of AGW. No it doesn't, but I do admit raises questions as to whether Al Gore actually believes in AGW. But it doesn't matter if he does, because I do not recall any "warmers on YA ever using Al Gore as a source.

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it's a long term problem and the longer humanity waits, the bigger the problem will be. on the other hand, an optimist might say it opens up a lot of opportunities in developing new technologies and certainly a lot of construction jobs to prevent damage.

Read 'The Third Industrial Revolution'. The future does not need to be bleak.

BTW.. Kano and others are keen to deceive people into their denier universe. The world HAS warmed.

Yep. And, the sooner we act, the less we'll actually have to do about it (or, conversely, the longer we wait to act, the more drastic action we'll have to take).

If we'd started taking action in the '80s, when the scientific consensus was starting to congeal, or even in the end of the '90s, when pretty much every climate scientist agreed (because the '98 El Nino finally pushed temperatures beyond what could be passed off as "noise"), we could have taken small, gradual steps (eg replace a few coal plants a year with non-fossil alternatives) and still have done more than enough to slow global warming to safe levels. As it is, we need to play some pretty significant catch-up.

The?Ninth International Conference on Climate Change, which took place on July 7-9, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,?attracted some 650 scientists, economists, policy experts, and guests willing to question whether man-made global warming is a problem worth addressing.

If we had global warming I might agree, but it has not got warmer for the last 18yrs, it has been 9 nine years since the last serious hurricane, global sea ice extent is not far from the 1981- 2012 average,in fact for most of they year it was above it.

Polar bears were around during the Eemian interglacial before the last ice age when it was much warmer then and had a lot less ice, in fact polar bearnumbers suffer the most when spring ice is thick and they cannot get at the breeding seals.

So whats your problem? what do we need to fix?

Not scientifically. But politically it should be put to bed. At least they should get their hands out of our pockets.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

In other word, if you truly are worried about having to move, you have been had. Just go up the coast to St. Augustine. The sea level is virtually the same as when it was established and it is the oldest city on the continent. Consider this, it is the same even after all this dreaded Global Warming we are supposed to have had.

Quote by Noel Brown, UN official: "Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco-refugees," threatening political chaos."

Wow! Isn't that scary? But was it true? Obviously not, but a lot of laws were enacted due to that unscrupulous scare tactic. And a lot of money exchanged hands due to that unscrupulous tactic. (Al Gore became a billionaire since that time.) Don't you think those laws were more important to the purveyors of the lies than the truth and your well being. They obviously don't care whether you go to bed worried. In fact, they relish in the idea so they can get to your purse and liberties.

Oh, and the polar bears are flourishing. That picture that Al Gore presents was taken a long time ago and there are more polar bears now than fifty years ago. The so called 'ice melting' on Mt. Kilimanjaro was proven bogus by real scientists. The loss of ice was due to lack of precipitation, not temperature. The same with the Himalayas.

And to say we don't care just because we look at the facts and don't get alarmed is just wrong headed. Why do you think I am taking time out of my life to inform you of the truth? I have no gain from it! I would take no delight in your displacement or hazards struck upon you. But those ideas based on fears that you seem to have are fictional and need not influence you into sleepless nights.

if you dont know the answer to that then you shouldn't worry about it

There is no catastrophic, Manmade global warming......so No....it is not an issue.

If we don't put a stop, it could increase more natural disasters and influence the change of seasons. The worst part it rapidly increases the temperature in polar regions than in the equator therefore, all the ice melts, polar bears go extinct and My hometown, Miami, NYC would be underwater do to the melting. Why don't people care anymore? If Al Gore was elected as president in 2000, this wouldn't be a huge concern. Thankfully I live in California (San Jose to be exact) and people are relatively environmentally friendly. What surprises me is that half of the United States thinks it is a myth or simply just don't give a s*** even when hundreds of scientists have found evidence of global warming. What's your views and opinions guys? (I am 15 btw so I am fairly young)