> How much do we spend on electricity each year, globally?

How much do we spend on electricity each year, globally?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Tough to calculate, much of the spending in infrastructure is amortized over decades, the price of energy sources rises and falls, and many places subsidize their electrical production and distribution from other revenues.

Think about how much energy it took to move 1 pyramid block into place in Egypt. Global Warming was happening back then too. : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_py...

" ... One of the major problems faced by the early pyramid builders was the need to move huge quantities of stone. The Twelfth Dynasty tomb of Djehutihotep has an illustration of 172 men pulling an alabaster statue of him on a sledge. The statue is estimated to weigh 60 tons and Denys Stocks estimated that 45 workers would be required to start moving a 16,300 kg lubricated block, or eight workers to move a 2,750 kg block.[2] Dr R H G Parry[3] has suggested a method for rolling the stones, using a cradle-like machine that had been excavated in various new kingdom temples. Four of those objects could be fitted around a block so it could be rolled easily. Experiments done by the Obayashi Corporation, with concrete blocks 0.8 m square by 1.6 m long and weighing 2.5 tons, showed how 18 men could drag the block over a 1-in-4 incline ramp, at a rate of 18 meters per minute. Vitruvius in De architectura[4] described a similar method for moving irregular weights. It is still not known whether the Egyptians used this method but the experiments indicate it could have worked using stones of this size. Egyptologists generally accept this for the 2.5 ton blocks mostly used but do not agree over the methods used for the 15+ ton and several 70 to 80 ton blocks. ... "

" ... Great Pyramid[edit]

Some research suggests alternate estimates to the accepted workforce size. For instance, mathematician Kurt Mendelssohn calculated that the workforce may have been 50,000 men at most, while Ludwig Borchardt and Louis Croon placed the number at 36,000. According to Miroslav Verner, a workforce of no more than 30,000 was needed in the Great Pyramid's construction. Evidence suggests that around 5,000 were permanent workers on salaries with the balance working three- or four-month shifts in lieu of taxes while receiving subsistence "wages" of ten loaves of bread and a jug of beer per day. Zahi Hawass believes that the majority of workers may have been volunteers. It is estimated that only 4,000 of the total workforce were labourers who quarried the stone, hauled blocks to the pyramid and set the blocks in place. The vast majority of the workforce provided support services such as scribes, toolmakers and other backup services. The tombs of supervisors contain inscriptions regarding the organisation of the workforce. There were two crews of approximately 2,000 workers sub-divided into named gangs of 1,000. The gangs were divided into five phyles of 200 which were in turn split into groups of around 20 workers grouped according to their skills, with each group having their own project leader and a specific task ... "

Socialism or Communism?

How much energy did that take and how many years did it take to build 1 pyramid?

Maybe you should try and do it faster since you have all of this wind and solar energy along with modern hydraulic technology. Never mind!

You're too dedicated to the idea of fossil fuels and CO2 destroying the planet. If you get your wish, will you grab a rope and help pull the next block?

Ignorance of the natural goods that get swallowed by the audacity of those who make houshold words out of creative brand names, would find we all spend identically on daily consumptins of the not so well understood. For instance, one may buy antibacterial soap to replace grannie's lye soap, a typical content of one's personal effects, that if one identifies thee leading agent of antbacterialization to be a tiny amount of what you just replaced. Its like trading an old gold bar for a brand new collectors quarter.

That is, what is the cost of global electricity consumption.

Why not google it, instead of asking us http://finance.yahoo.com/news/research-m...