> Why are most weather events blamed on global warming today?

Why are most weather events blamed on global warming today?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
very time it rains some one blames it on global warming.

It helps keep the taxpayer-provided, research grant/welfare $$Billions rolling in to climate 'scientists'/universities.

First, you are clearly exaggerating. If you watch weather forecasts on television or read them in the newspaper, I'm quite sure that very few of them will say something like "There will be a 70% chance of rain today, and the rain is caused by global warming."

I think people do try to connect EXTREME weather events, rightly or wrongly, to global warming. Certainly every weather event forms in a world that has warmed, so in that respect it has affected every weather event, but trying to tease out exactly what one should attribute to global warming and what should attribute to "normal" weather is nearly impossible for individual events. It's best to look at large numbers of events or long-term events if you're trying to understand how global warming has contributed.

Proof :: Bloomberg blamed Global Warming causing Sandy He has no proof

Sheldon Whitehouse blames it on a tornado No Proof and according to him Tornado's

are new .

Cenk Try to blame Weather on Climate Change

Chris Hayes same thing

None have proof at the atomic level .

All want Carbon taxes even though it will hurt poor People and Old People on fixed incomes.

Liberals don't care if people suffer .

Who is it that is blaming most weather events on global warming? Do you have a link to your source of this information?

Here is what global warming does do. For every 1C of a warming of the atmosphere the atmosphere is capable of holding another 10% water vapor. Water vapor is the energy for storms.

First, it is false to say storms and hurricanes ARE stronger because of global warming. The IPCC SREX report published this as well. This hasn't stopped various scientists and media outlets from saying false things, because they see it as the primary way to scare the public.

It is brainwashing, on a worldwide scale, scientists said super storm Sandy was not caused by global warming, but it has been implied by many that it was, now the general consensus is that Sandy was the result of climate change.

Well storms and hurricanes are stronger because of global warming. This is because storms are stronger over warm water. Global warming is making ocean water much warmer, so that produces stronger hurricanes

Some people feel the need to place the blame somewhere, even if its misdirected.

Because there is nothing natural about the current Global Warming (or cooling) according to alarmists. Nothing natural about weather in general according to them.

"MOST" weather events? Not likely, unless you can supply a source.

some of the more record breaking events certainly are.

every time it rains some one blames it on global warming.

Convenience and politics!

You get you news from bizarre places. That is your fault.

man-made disaster.

They aren't. Take your conservative propaganda elsewhere. This is a board for sane discussion, not ideology and lies.