> How is the drug trade a global issue?

How is the drug trade a global issue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Looking at the statistics on the War on Drugs and how opium and cocaine are trafficked all over the world. How is the drug trade a global issue?

With addictive substances that are declared illegal, by the vast majority of the world's nations, only an "underground" economy (e.g. drug trafficking) can satisfy the demand of those addicted.

That being said, marijuana is more controversial - in that many users partake more intermittently than tobacco users, and at less cost to society, medically, but great cost to society, legally (solely because marijuana is illegal). In 2009, there were 800,000 individuals in the U.S. who were prosecuted for illegal marijuana possession. With the current state of the U.S. economy - being in a long downturn (recession) an increasing number of people are beginning to consider remedies to this situation, including decriminalization, or outright legalization. In one popular conception, marijuana would be treated like cigarettes. It would be illegal for minors to possess, and prosecuted similarly to minors in possession of tobacco. Yet, it could be sold with state and federal taxes built into the sale price, thus bolstering the economy (rather than draining it via large legal costs to society) and, potentially, decrease drug trafficking.

None of the aforementioned statements are necessarily reflective of this author's personal views.

Drug traffickers send their drugs worldwide. :) :)

Cause people live all over the world

most drugs are consumed in countries that they are not produced in. third world countries usually provide, first world countries usually consume.

because most people take drugs.

Looking at the statistics on the War on Drugs and how opium and cocaine are trafficked all over the world. How is the drug trade a global issue?