> Do anti-science deniers of human-caused climate change understand what time is?

Do anti-science deniers of human-caused climate change understand what time is?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not only do they fail to grasp what year/century we are in and how Science advances, they also show an astonishing level of ignorance when it comes to understanding graphs.

Look at Kano's answer here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?... where he includes a graph doing the rounds on all the denier blogs now. He himself got it from Anthony Watts' science denying site and is a perfect example of how 'professional deniers' (Christy and Spencer in this case) fool the ignorant science denying masses who instantly believe anything they say.

Sou at HotWhopper has done an excellent job in describing this WUWT latest misleading post and, as usual, shows just how scientifically illiterate the majority of WUWT's commenters are. The Christy/Spencer graph uses a 4 year baseline (1979-83); that is how they managed to get the results they wanted, fooling nearly every single science denying nitwit in the process, including Kano.


yeas dook. there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 365 days in a year, butttttttttttt we do add a day every 4 years

Here's something to read while your waiting http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0506...

It's by R G Harrison and very informing.

They only understand what money is. They want it, and the inconvenient truth is getting in their way. Expect them to spout all manner of nonsense.

I refer to Kano's recent "question"


(which he blocks me, as always, from addressing directly, in order to spare himself being embarrassed like this), which by all indications is a mindless copy-paste from Judith Curry's anti-science blog entry of two days ago http://judithcurry.com/2013/10/13/words-of-wisdom-from-ed-lorenz/

both of which try to suggest that a few cherry-picked lines from a publication of 22 years ago is what a "famous scientist" NOW "says" (after 5 years in the grave) about climate change.

Maybe the difficulty here is not due to misunderstanding what time is, but to being asleep in grade school when the difference between present tense and past tense was discussed (e.g. says versus said), or asleep in nursery school when being honest was explained?