> Is run amok anti-science-ist spoiling?

Is run amok anti-science-ist spoiling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
AGW's propaganda machine, how can they brainwash the public when Yahoo and blogs allow free speech.

The best evidence against AGW comes from the AGW alarmists themselves. Not the skeptics. I'm still waiting for more hookers to show up on the street corners because of AGW before all the meteors start crashing into the earth.

>>AGW's propaganda machine<<

All over the world it is known as science.

>>... when Yahoo and blogs allow free speech.<<

Free speech does not mean honest speech, informed speech, or objective speech.

There is free speech in science. Contrary to your paranoid, baseless, and uninformed conspiracy beliefs, the ONLY reason so few Deniers make it into the professional literature is because they have NO scientific evidence and are either very poor scientists or liars.

And because they do not do science and cannot compete with real scientists, they bring their outrageous Bullshlt to the internet where they can prey on the scientifically uneducated.

There is a reason - a very straightforward and simple reason - that for all of their access to the public and all of their "free speech" - Denier blogs, etc. find no converts among those who are scientifically literate and have had zero impact on climate science.

There are millions of scientists in the world - most of them forever to remain unknown, working their tails off for little economic or intellectual reward, and looking for any break that might allow them to make an impact and be recognized - and none of them are buying into the anti-science political Denier nonsense. Like almost every non-partisan educated person in the world, they just laugh at the stupidity of Deniers and shake their heads at the outrageous lies and worthless junk found on Denier blogs, FOX News, etc.

Scientists who accept AGW come from every country, every culture, every society, every religion, and every economic and political system in the world. Deniers, on the other hand, almost universally share the same political, cultural, social, economic, and religious beliefs.

Now, seriously, which group do you think is more likely to allow their personal beliefs to prejudice their opinions against science - especially when the science is seen as a specific, intentional, and direct threat to their shared common belief system?


James --

>>I'm still waiting for more hookers to show up<<

Can't get a date, huh? That's probably because chicks dig the smart guys.

No. What it shows is that people are stupid and arrogant. It shows that, despite our entire civilisation being built upon the scientific method, despite people in our society specialising in different areas, there are people who are so full of themselves, so unbelievably self-assured as to their own scientific knowledge, who have absolutely no credentials in science, that they think the entire global scientific community is wrong and they're right.

Seriously. It's anti-intellectualism gone mad.

What propaganda machine.

The only propaganda machine, connected to global warming, which I know about is the denialist propaganda machine.

I can't believe that people take videos of graphs taped to see-saws seriously.

Actually if Yahoo represented free speech then you couldn't be reported and you could use any friggin' language you wish to use. Unfortunately yahoo doesn't enforce questions should be required to be constructive, not jokes or lies, and that is an important recipe for a good foruim

Free speech is rarely correct speech as shown by the anti-science denialist drivel spouted here

They are working on it.

WTF are you talking about????

I haven't seem such BS since your story on Monsanto poisoning the world with aspartame

AGW's propaganda machine, how can they brainwash the public when Yahoo and blogs allow free speech.