> How is global warming destroying the life of the Inuit people?

How is global warming destroying the life of the Inuit people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
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People were very confident that global warming was happening, and happening on a large scale. Then global temperatures stopped rising, contrary to the model forecasts, especially the models that forecast large amounts of warming. Suddenly, all the people who said 'I nu it' were shown to be wrong, and have been forced to scavenge for heat.

In fact making the temperature go up (further) is one of the things global warming is very likely to do and to have been doing for over a century now, via what is termed 'positive feedback'. Global warming is one of the factors which could destroy someone's life, though I'm sure you could 'blame' the destruction of someone's life or the way of life of a person or a number of people (Luke, you seem to be worryingly indifferent as to which of these things you are referring to) on any number of things.

We certainly have not had 'net cooling' for the past 15 years especially in the sub-arctic. Global mean temperature has never 'stopped rising' for more than two successive years since well before the inception of global warming theory in the 1970s. Far from showing anyone to 'be wrong' this is entirely consistent with all the predictions and models.

Having knowledgeably informed us that global warming tends to happen 'on a large scale', Mike then contends that at some unspecified time (presumably since the 1970s) 'it stopped'! Perhaps he forgot to add that it then resumed in the following year! He's like a man watching through binoculars the person running up and down the deck of a ship in order to predict the progress of the ship itself!

It's melting the permafrost their communities are built upon - having the ground crumple and sag from under you is a drag.

It's melting the ice in the arctic circle, even the 'permanent' sea ice has thinned - so their traditional hunting practices are being made impossible.

Levels of toxic, man made, pollutants are increasing in their traditional hunted foodstuffs.

For an interesting perspective on the climate change debate have a look at what the tobacco companies did over decades to deny the harmful effects of their products - and think how much more powerful the vested interests are that benefit from the behaviour that's killing the Earth.

No one really knows what's happening / going to happen with the climate, it's just too complex and the science is too young. But I'd rather be wrong in demonstrating against climate change and nothing happens than be wrong in supporting the oil/car/aircraft/plastic/... industries and having to watch the planet die.

Whatever the temperature measurements seem to indicate the effects of climate change are steadily building in the atmosphere, oceans and on the land. Violent storms are becoming more frequent (shame about the Philippines), acidity is increasing in the oceans (well strictly speaking alkalinity is decreasing), ice is melting, seasonal changes are happening earlier in spring and later in autumn. Could go on and on - but most of the observations and measurements of change are more extreme than the worst case model the UN currently work with. And in the past, when the climate has changed, it changes fast - we're talking years NOT decades or centuries.

The Inuit people have lots of problems but not global warming, the seals and fish they eat are being contaminated with pollutants, introduced to western foods and alcohol, the people who never had heart disease or cancer, are now suffering all of these diseases and more,

There is always ice in the Arctic, if it melts a few days earlier in the spring, or freezes a few days later in fall makes no difference.

The ban on hunting Polar bears has hurt them much more than global warming.

Global warming has been blamed for many things. Hurricane Katrina, bush fires in Australia. One thing that global warming doesn't seem to cause is making the global temperature go up - we've had net cooling for the past 15 years.

Here's a perspective from an Inuit college student: http://www.skepticalscience.com/Inuit-Cl...

Note that she describes her own experience on scientific expeditions.

Perhaps a bit more verifiable, a post from National Geographic: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/...

The journal databases have quite a few scholarly articles on this topic. Here is an example: Ford, J. D., Smit, B., Wandel, J., Allurut, M., Shappa, K., Ittusarjuat, H., & Qrunnut, K. (2008). Climate change in the Arctic: current and future vulnerability in two Inuit communities in Canada. Geographical Journal, 174(1), 45-62. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4959.2007.00249.x

Abstract [Summary]: Climate change is already occurring in the Arctic and the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment recently concluded that future climate change could be devastating for Inuit. This paper characterises vulnerability to climate change in two Inuit communities in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, focusing on the resource harvesting sector. In both communities, Inuit have demonstrated significant adaptability in the face of current changes in climatic conditions. This adaptability is facilitated by traditional Inuit knowledge, strong social networks, flexibility in resource use, and institutional support. Changing Inuit livelihoods, however, have undermined certain aspects of adaptive capacity and have resulted in emerging vulnerabilities. Global and regional climate projections indicate that climatic conditions which currently pose risks are expected to be negatively affected by future climate change. These projections are not without precedent and analysis of current vulnerability and identification of adaptation constraints by Inuit in the two communities indicate the continued importance of traditional coping mechanisms. The ability to draw on these coping mechanisms in light of future climate change, however, will be unequal and the research indicates that young Inuit and those without access to economic resources, in particular, are vulnerable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

This article and many others like it should be available from your public or academic library. I found it in an EBSCOHost database. Ask your librarian if you don't know how to access it.

Don't think it is. Just ask Sarah Palin, her husband is one.

What global warming?

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Well it isn't "destroying their life" (as in killing them). But since the polar ice is melting it has changed their life style. They can no longer hunt on the ice, because the ice is gone.

It isn't. Environmental alarmism/activism is destroying more than you are told.

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