> Are we all going to drown because of global warming?

Are we all going to drown because of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Don't listen to the DENIERS!!!!

Yes, we will all drown because the sea level, which has been going up since the last ice age, is currently not increasing at an alarming rate. But don't let reality fool you. Reality and evidence always fool deniers. I am predicting that the sea level will rise 10,000 feet by next Tuesday.

If Tuesday comes and goes without my prediction coming through then.... I will predict the sea level will rise even HIGHER than that by next Tuesday.

Pretty scary stuff right?

Maybe but if we all take good care of the environment we can get saved from global warming. But if we don't take care of the environment we can drown from global warming.

No. So-called 'Catastrophic, Man-caused, Global Warming' is not based on credible, unmanipulated, scientific data.

Whoever is spreading the "We're all gonna drown" crap is.....quite simply.....lying.

Not all of us. Most people will be able to get out of the way. The problem is where to put them and where to grow food.

I'd guess that stupidity is the greater problem.

Global warming is very real and very much an issue. However, the world is not going to end and it will not be until approximately the year 2074 that there will be any noticeable changes.


Get real. Colorado os 5000 feet above sea levels.