> Antarctica will ever melt completely cause of global warming?

Antarctica will ever melt completely cause of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
if yes,in how much time?

Antarctica was free of ice during the Eocene Epoch nearly 65 million years ago. It was a lush densely populated rain forest at the south pole. Antarctica was ice free before and it will be again due to natural global warming cycles.

Antarctica can melt. Earth would only need to warm by a few degrees. When the ice at the edge melts, the albedo decreases, accelerating the melting.

I doubt that anyone knows how long it will take. As skeptics love to point out, climate models leave a lot of uncertainty in what a warmer world will be like. And much of the Antarctic land ice is on a base which is below sea level and could float away.

The Continent of Antartica is half again as big as the US.It has the highest average elevation of all the continents due to ice that is as thick as 4kms and yet the average precipitation is less than the Sahara Desert. 75% of the fresh water on the planet exists in the form of ice in Antartica.

If all the ice on Antarctica were to melt this would be a very different planet and although it would take a lot of time, CR is right it would not require many degrees of global warming to start the melting.

Yes i think Antarctica will melt completely if the global warming increases in the same ratio how it is increasing right now. Global warming is the dangerous issue for the whole world so we must try out best to stop it as soon as possible. I think it may melt in next 1000 years.

Antarctica is land, and the land will not melt.

Several hundred to thousand years. At that point sea levels will be over 200 feet higher.

No, never, it's far too cold there to ever melt.

Yes, tomorrow just after Maldives disappear.

There are trillion of tons of ice in Antarctica, saving a massive asteroid hit it would take thousands and thousands of years, and Antarctica is not getting warmer, it has got colder by 0.04C (not much I know) and Antarctic ice is growing and is at record extent.
