> THE ADVANCED NATIONS/WEST OR emerging economies. who is responsible for climate change, pollution, global warming now?

THE ADVANCED NATIONS/WEST OR emerging economies. who is responsible for climate change, pollution, global warming now?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Within context of being seen as cause for virtual climate change would be those countries from industrial revolution, factory building systems, coal , electricity, fuels that exhaust gases that conflict with out atmosphere to point of creating holes or filteringrays from solar system or universe, sun being main element of surplus heating elements,

It is the earths revolving and devolving towards Sun that contributes small increment of changes, and moons cycle in course with seasonal rifting,

Someday the Earth will be like Venus and Mercury, and boiling of gases and lava, then we will have to journey further out of solar system, and more so into space,

It may not be as bad as we place greenhouse gases out to pasture, but of natures course to alter its own course without our control or permission,


It is still the advanced nations that are contributing the most to global warming. However, it could be argued that China is now an advanced nation.

5 years ago, just the west. Now, both. China is now the biggest polluter, and has been for a few years.

the accumulation of co2 since the 1800 is mostly from uk, usa and germany.

china and india are now adding a lot but it would take many decades for their eisions to accumulate to what advanced nations have already done.

The west started it and east seems prepared to finish it.

the idiotic Left who still believe that mere men can possibly have any affect on the climate that overcomes the effect from the Sun!