> Does global warming cause infidelity?

Does global warming cause infidelity?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Brittney Spears not wearing panties is now a problem? Wow. I thought it was a bonus for me and no that wasn't a misspelling.

I guess those caught cheating will give just about any excuse (e.g. Phil Jones and Miami philanderers)

Yes! It is also the reason why Brittney Spears does not wear panties. Global warming is responsible for ALL the problems in the world.

Edit: I stand corrected. Brittney Spears going commando is not a problem , but it is still caused by global warming.

Just another batsh*t crazy thing caused by global warming. It's no wonder the AGW cultist crowd is losing credibility. They're trying to claim everything negative is caused by global warming as most despotic religions do in an attempt to control the masses and create policy.

What's next? My hangnail is going to be caused by global warming? Can I blame global warming for forgetting to water my strawberries?

What a waste of good energy writing, publishing and me reading that column. We could cut CO2 emissions in half if we eliminated nonsense.

It also causes nitwits to post dozens of fake questions.

Only Tipper knows for sure ?

I've certainly been tempted by other climate scientists, does that count?

I sense that the article is a spoof.

You know, it's the same dumb liberals who trash religion that spout this mythical garbage.

Yes, because everyone with a view is up half the night correcting what other people "have said on the internet" :)


I wouldn't call that strong scientific evidence, it appears to be based largely on one not-very-scientific poll. People can be notoriously bad about revealing, or sometimes even figuring out, their own motivations for things.

That said, it wouldn't actually *surprise* me if climate change is at least a small causal factor in changes in rates of infidelity. If nothing else, it can cause stress, and increased stress probably leads to increases in mostly impulsive acts like cheating on a spouse.

I love how the warmers are whining about "deniers". Their fellow warmers are the ones making them look stupid, why don't they whine about them?

NO, BUT it apparently results in all manner of denier blog stupidity related to the subject

Why are you answering your own questions? Are you going to chose yourself as best answer?

As for your ‘question’, the link you’re provided answers the question for you.