> If the government stopped funding global warming?

If the government stopped funding global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
what would all the global warming "scientists" do? Be TV repair men, or fix air conditioners?

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Study the climate. Global warming or not, there's still stuff to be learnt in science since we don't know everything yet!

People study the climate. Those people tell us something odd is happening. The best explanation for what they've observed over the past 100 years is that we've upset the climatic system by pumping billions of tonnes of additional greenhouse gases into the sky. They'll continue to study the climate.

I think it'd be a foolish person who decides to ignore the very people they've educated and funded to study the climate with their taxes!

Without Taxpayer-provided welfare paid out to CAGW Alarmists and opportunists, CAGW would simply 'go away'.

Most of those calling themselves 'Climate Scientists', would find themselves teaching grade school science or bagging groceries.

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The government would continue funding scientific probabilities that they viewed as detrimental to their nation.

Well why don't you tell us how much the government is funding alternative energy.

BTW spamming the forum with questions is something a 6 year old would do. How old are you?????????????????

They can get funded by other organizations besides the government.


what would all the global warming "scientists" do? Be TV repair men, or fix air conditioners?