> How is climate change affecting the flowering of blueberries?

How is climate change affecting the flowering of blueberries?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Oh the blueberries (in the tone of Oh the Humanity).

Blueberries are known as Juneberries. If it warms a bit, maybe we can call them Mayberries. Alarmists would probably tell you that it would harm blueberries but help poison ivy. The ridiculous notions that come from alarmists never ceases to amaze me. Anything bad that happens is due to human emissions and anything good that happens is... well nothing good can happen in their world. In fact there will probably be no significant affect on blueberries due to our emissions of CO2 IMO.

The edges of as well as entire climate zones have faced 'climate change' challenges for perhaps millions of years. Over the ages, as climates would change, so would the hardiness of certain flora. Some locations would enjoy an increase in some types of plants and others would lose.

The extra CO2 in the atmosphere is helping them grow bigger and stronger with more fruit, and resist drought conditions and stress,

vegetation is increasing all over the world, our planet is greening because of CO2 fertilization, up to 14% in some places like Australia, Africa and Russia.

Blueberries are business as usual everywhere I see.

Possibly moving blueberries poleward. If they can adapt.