> International environmental summits have addressed themes ranging from ozone protection, pollutant reduction, and carbon

International environmental summits have addressed themes ranging from ozone protection, pollutant reduction, and carbon

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What you say is true.

They also provide holidays in exotic locations for tens of thousands of climate activists and scientists from all over the world largely at the tax payer's expense.

They also provide a platform for alarmist Green groups, at tax payer expense.

They also provide a meeting place for the supporters of the Global Wealth Distribution Agenda to meet and further their cause. That is, decide on ways to give away your hard earned cash to others.

CAGW is just a theory and it's a scam. We hacked their emails to prove it.

Okay. Did you have a question?

Edit: ivan "it's a scam"

graphicconception "They .. decide on ways to give away your hard earned cash to others."

"Ozone protection, pollutant reduction, and carbon dioxide emissions" are all real problems.

And it does cost something to "fix" them.

Your taxes "fix" lots of things.

The real problem is that there are a number of folks who think that their taxes should only be used to pay for stuff that personally affects them. Anything that they don't directly benefit from is, in their minds (used loosely) a waste. Quite clearly global warming is a problem. But since folks like these aren't affected today, they think it should be left to their children and grandchildren. There's an unfortunate moral problem here. For many generations, people in this country have left the country better than they found it. This generation might be the first in history to not do that. It's a sad commentary on the moral values that have overtaken such a large part of the American population.

Yes, yes they have.

Montreal, Kyoto and more.