> What does the Vostok ice core data indicate about the earths temp and co2 in the coming 1000-2000 yrs?

What does the Vostok ice core data indicate about the earths temp and co2 in the coming 1000-2000 yrs?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have yet to see any evidence that CO2 drives climate

I have not seen any evidence that global warming would not be a good thing

I have grave doubts that we can actually do anything about our climate, my thoughts are we should be prepared to adapt to whatever changes are coming whether warmer or colder.

So let me get this straight. You are saying that the over the next 1000 years temperatures will plummet more than 4C. However you are also stating that there is no doubt that Earth's ice caps will continue to melt and sea levels will continue to rise over the next 1000 years or so which would occur under any type of warming. You seem to be arguing with yourself.

Measurements of the Suns input and related orbital cycles of the Earth indicate we were in a long term cooling trend prior to the industrial revolution for approximately 6000 years.

"Ignoring anthropogenic and other possible sources of variation acting at frequencies higher than one cycle per 19,000 years, this model predicts that the long-term cooling trend which began some 6000 years ago will continue for the next 23,000 years"


If we include anthropogenic forcing in that mix, though, we get a rather fast warming during the last couple centuries. Taking both into account we get this.


Hey! Global Cooling is good. Yah they can deal with that. You can cause fright either way. Many of these same GW scientists were hawking an imminent Ice Age back in the 60s and 70s. It worked then, for a while.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

Al Gore has made a lot of money frightening people with this hobgoblin. A lot of power has been gained by this hobgoblin. Those are facts which no one can deny.

Why worry, none of us will be here in the coming 1000 - 2000 years from now.

Ice core data directly measures the CO2 concentration in the air but not temperature. All temperatures before the invention of the thermometer are inferred from chemical evidence that in my opinion is not very reliable. Certainly not as reliable as the CO2 concentration.

By the time we get to the point where the next ice age is an imminent threat (assuming we haven't simply averted it entirely by artificially raising CO2 levels considerably), I suspect we'll have enough technology that we'll pretty much be able to do anything we want to the climate. And by "imminent" I pretty much mean "likely to happen in the next 200 years".

I read the question and it's silly. Ice cores tell us about the PAST!

(Didn't bother with your unsourced blurb under the question)

No supporting link = probably a misunderstood ignorant anti-science deception thinly and poorly disguised as a fake question

I realize that scientific illiteracy is easy, but how do you find the time to become so factually stupid? That must take a lot of effort, huh?

Current carbon dioxide levels are higher than they have been in 800,000 years.


And carbon dioxide can lag temperatures when something else is driving temperature, which is not happening now.



It clearly shows that the earth was warmer and had higher co2 125,000 years ago and 325,000 years ago. ( by the way, there were no cars then). It shows that the earth goes through these cycles every 100,000 years or so. It clearly shows that once the earth reaches a temp of 0-2 degrees above the present, the temp and CO2 will plummet over the next 1000 years by 4-5 Degrees C (7-9 deg F) and 20-30 ppm of CO2 on the way to much lower values over the next many thousands of years.

There is no doubt that the earths present ice caps will continue to melt for a thousand years or so and that sea level will rise as a result as occurred during the past warming periods within the 100,000 year ice age cycles (manmade co2 will not alter the inevitable).

Why are the global warmest alarmists not concerned about the earths inevitable plummet in temp and CO2 during the next 1000 years or so. It would seem that the only effect that adding insignificant amounts of co2 to the atmosphere would be to hopefully delay slightly the inevitable plunge into another glacial period. Sure , costal regions will flood in the next 1000 years , we cannot prevent it. Why then should we not plan for it.

We could cool the earth now ( its not that difficult) , but that might only expedite the inevitable plunge into another glacial period. Perhaps it would be better if we determined how to heat the earth to stave off the inevitable plunge into an ice age when it begins.