> The downfall and flooding in UK and the Polar Vortex In North America. What is this a sign off?

The downfall and flooding in UK and the Polar Vortex In North America. What is this a sign off?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In the UK we call it winter. Yes it is a drag but summer comes and life goes on. Get a grown up to explain about Bogeymen and stop being frightened.

Nobody knows, and unfortunately you're not going to be able to find the answer on yahoo. Sure you have a bunch of scientists who have theories and then another bunch of scientists who have a theory that contradicts that theory and no one actually has a definite piece of evidence. It could be that the government are creating global warming as a money scam that is planning to take place in the near future with their "weather controlling machine" someone tried to tell me about, or maybe Global warming does exist and its god trying to punish us all (if you"re religious), or maybe what the scientists are saying is true and we are all going to die very soon, but thats the annoying thing about life. It's unpredictable. So dont believe anything anyone tells you because its most likely rubbish, and just live everyday like its your last, cause you never know, it might be.

In north America is is a result of winter but UK has has excess flooding for the last couple of years so that could be a sign of things to come

The gods are angry. We must sacrifice a virgin. Now where in the UK or North America are we going to find one of those?

It mean solar activity is in decline and the world is cooling. There was never any man-made Global Warming. The Sun is and always has been in control.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

There is no credible, UNMANIPULATED, scientific data that supports the notiion of CAGW.....None!

To me its a sign that the end if the world is coming. Woot.

You bet, if we don't pay our carbon taxes we are all going to die

The downfall and flooding in UK and the Polar Vortex In North America which has caused record breaking temperatures. What is this a sign off?

Global Warming really getting serious now?