> On this thermometer can you show me the estimate of how much global temps have risen over the past 30 years?

On this thermometer can you show me the estimate of how much global temps have risen over the past 30 years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
On my thermometer it's 0.48C


pegminer --

>>I just couldn't decide which side of the scale I should read.<<

Baseline is on the left. Subtract the right side from the baseline for people who think they are scientists and believe the earth's age is measured in thousands of years.

Baseline values
Wrong question. The real question is. 'Where did the heat go'? Heat doesn't stay in the atmosphere. It moves rapidly to a colder venue. Sea water and ice are colder. This is so simple even a caveman could figure it out. But deny away.... it's simple. Right?

Hey Alph, how many atomic bombs worth of energy does the Sun send us per second, do you know? --- I doubt it. And is all of that energy due to man-made CO2 or is some of it from the Sun?

You are ridiculous.


It is small on one thermometer. You dont get what a global average means. Hint the energy equivalent of 4 atomic bombs every second.

I cannot show you on that thermometer. I use this as thermometer, http://www.carbonbrief.org/blog/2013/05/...

Ask the glaciers how much they have warmed by their thermometer.

That's a thermometer? I thought it was showing the average denier IQ, I just couldn't decide which side of the scale I should read.



To help you out you can use the highly upwards adjusted GISS estimate.
