> Is controlling population growth necessarily a cure for global warming?

Is controlling population growth necessarily a cure for global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No. Climatologists are saying that we need to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050. Even if we could stop everyone from having any children, we would not reach such a goal but controlling population. Unless someone wanted to commit mass murder, but if we wanted people to die, why not just let Earth warm?

The way to stop global warming is to use zero emission energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power. Wasting less energy will also help.

The reason the climate is changing is because the amount of greenhouse gases that humans emit is more than can be handled by natural processes, the excess then accumulates in the atmosphere.

If we are to cure global warming then we need to reduce our emissions to a sustainable level. There are numerous ways in which this can be achieved and if the global population were to decrease then this would have an impact.

However, it’s the more developed countries that are by far the greatest emitters of greenhouse gases and these tend to be the same countries that have stable or slowly growing populations.

It’s estimated that in the next century the global population will grow by an additional 5 billion with Africa accounting for 3 billion of this. As it is, Africa produces little greenhouse gas emissions.

If population control were to be implemented it would be most effective in the developed countries, but this would mean significantly reducing the populations.

Perhaps it’s better to accept that populations aren’t going to decrease and therefore we should focus our attention on reducing emissions. After all, 10 billion people each emitting 5 tonnes of greenhouse gases is going to do no more damage than 5 billion people each emitting 10 tonnes.

Yes, it is definitely a cure for global warming most probably. Because, increase in population causing several more reasons for global warming. More people will use more number of vehicles and as a result more CO2 emission, which is one of the biggest reason of global warming. More people more number of houses and for that more places are needed, which can be possible by cutting the forests. This one also a big reason of global warming. So, controlling population growth is definitely a sure sort solution for global warming.

Absolutely!! A reduction of 5 billion people will achieve the 85% decrease in global emissions by 2050. Mother Nature can do the heavy lifting in the next pandemic which should occur well before 2050. Major extinctions have happened 5 times since life began on Earth and there is no reason to think it won't happen again....enjoy!

No, population control is neither necessary nor sufficient for reducing (it is way too late to talk about "curing") human-caused global climate change.

But, for example, if barriers to education for girls were reduced by say 20% across half the world, that could lead to hundreds of millions of women pursuing alternatives to making babies, and a global population in 2100 larger than today's but notably smaller than it otherwise would be, and thus consuming less of everything, including carbon fuels which are the main cause of global warming (according to science: ignore the anti-science kooks infesting this website).

No "control" required, just basic fairness.

It can not be sufficient but it can help. The important factors are to reduce energy waste and increase the proportion of our energy generated in ways that do not involve fossil fuels. Wind, wave, solar, geothermal, hydro, tidal - these methods of energy generation need encouragement. Fossil fuels need to be more heavily taxed.

Of course taxes on energy are unpopular but we need to recognise that energy will be wasted if it is cheap. The money raised by taxes can be used to reduce other taxes and to alleviate poverty. Unless we bite this bullet global warming and energy shortages are inevitable.


The Earth has been cooling for over a decade. All that while the Earth's population as increased substantially. To anyone with a truly scientific mind, that would debunk any correlation between the earth's temperature and AGW.

NO = Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelites reports 11/28/2012.

No, but reducing population is part of the green religious agenda, and will thus be claimed to be part of the solution.

The problem with population growth is prosperity, when billions of the poor can receive cheap energy, they will also get, prosperity, education and health care, all prosperous nations have low birth rates.

Global warming is not a problem, CO2 is not causing warming, our temperatures have been stable for the last 17yrs, but CO2 emissions have escalated.

we should control stupid ideas like making harmful factories,vehicles,cutting trees...etc.

I guess this is more necessary

Birth rates are going down all over and wait 40 years

and all the baby bombers will be gone

Of course it is.

I don't think it would. But I do believe in population control. Health care reform is stupid. If you can't afford to go to the doctor then ppl will eventually die off and that's fine with me. O can't afford to go to the doctor and I can't afford the health insurance so I therefore deserve to die off. Too poor to be alive.