> How many errors can you find is this article?

How many errors can you find is this article?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It was certainly a good example of extreme bias. I found this statement weird.


Poor guy, just trying to be a bureaucrat weaving his way around the bureaucracy and he can't win unless of coarse he tows their line completely. Honesty isn't allowable.

Surly you jest Raisin. I didn't read that response from Peg. Europe keeps rewarding not working and punishing success much as the US has been doing recently. I remember a week or two ago, Peg claimed that I said water vapor could only exist over 100 Deg F (and he said it on a Dook question so I couldn't respond) or something asinine like that and now he whines about Raisin. The sad thing is I am confident Raisin is probably right based on peg's previous similar responses.

Added: I followed Raisin Caine's link I don't know which rant was more biased, the article or Pegs.

There are an infinite amount of "errors". The simple "mixing" of politics and science has always been a problem for farmers. Government intervention has become the norm for many years running. Simplicity is now complicity. When you throw in the "financial" aspect of farming, then it becomes even more complicated since we know that 'money = power'. Agriculture is a huge business the Governments have a big bight of.

It's nothing new that Environmental BLOGS only try and complicate things using unsubstantiated claims from another climate clown like Joe Romm. Chaos comes from people like him with the intention of "muddying the water" enough to cause doubt.

Liberal meddling with the every day conservative business of farming. It's funny how farming hasn't really changed in thousands of years except when it comes to the scientific manipulation of every day food genetics. Science, Environmentalism, and Government have grabbed the farmers by their ankles and turned them upside down while sticking a gun to their heads and all that while Financial ELITES manipulate the markets through Government policies. What a joke these people are!!!

From your link :

" ... It is the height of arrogance and elitism to think “people can’t handle the truth.” It is government’s responsibility to tell farmers the best science as we know it today. If a narrow few choose to reject the truth because of their anti-science, anti-government ideology, then at least the majority can fully understand why they need to make serious planning efforts to deal with extreme weather, drought, and the like. And again, by failing to tell them the truth now you make it much harder for others to convince them of the truth later. ... "

He's right about "the height of arrogance and elitism", but it is the Environmental and Governmental scientists and politicians who have instigated and pressed this issue to a point of scientific psycho-babble without justifiable facts. It's "Climate Clown Activism" at best.

Vilsack has always been clueless about any number of matters anyways, so the article is meaningless to start with.

It use to be so simple.

Actually, the science community around the world and the UN IPCC committee are unanimous in calling climate change a dire threat to the future of life on earth. The results are already beginning to be visible, e.g. severe drought in the west, great increase in wildfires, rise in sea level in south Florida causing "sunny-day" flooding.

The errors are deliberate. He is paid for his alarmism. Before he had his own site, now it is under the thinkprogress umbrella. One example is 5 years ago he went on and on about 'ripoffsets' in the cap and trade bill as it was being drafted, how terrible they were. Then when they were in the final bill he was praising it and shooting down commenters who complained about the offsets.

His book Hell and High Water is another example of his alarmism way off from reality, but he needs to present an out there scenario for others to point to.


But then again, I don't suffer from Dunning-Krüger so I might not be the most appropriate person to answer this clearly heavily loaded question.

BTW, what happened to Pegminer's answer? Did it get reported because it 'didn't answer the question? There's plenty more above by deniers but I guess that since those are 'favorable to the cause' they deserve not to be reported by the 'censor squad'.

Farmers don't give sh!t about climate change 0.8C change in a hundred years, does not effect them, it is weather that will make or break them, when will be the first frosts, will we have enough rain, too much rain, how many growing days will there be.

Too many to count.

Yep we get it , farmers never had to worry about floods or droughts ever, before the first model T came off the production line.

The article was written by an anti science loon.

Even the famous Jimmy Hansen said it was fine to exaggerate, embellish, and lie as long as it was the means to get more people to believe in so-called "global warming" Glad some people see this "science" as the fraud it is.

Did a flunked out kindergartner write that piece, a hurricane that wasn't hit New York. guess history wasn't one of his best subjects. another moron brain dead warmer

You have got to love the whole, "If it is bad, its AGW, if it is good, is weather" attitude of the alarmists.

To answer your question, I think they actualyl believe the crap they spew.

Yesterday Pegminer was talking about the problems with the economic policies of Europe. He stance was that the economic policies have been too conservative and thus is causing Europe problems.

You heard that right. He was actually claiming European fiscal policies were too conservative.

Now check this out. He actually sited austerity measures as the problem.

So Europe goes with leftist fiscal policies that put countries like Greece in SOOO MUCH DEBT that NO ONE will loan to them UNLESS they implement austerity measures. And Pegminer ACTUALLY believes that the problem was the austerity measures.

He actually takes on the stance that deficit spending is fine, jsut keep the gravy train a rollin'.

Now once you get to this point of ultra-leftism where you THINK that overspending your budget is a good thing and keeping to your budget is a bad thing, I doubt there is any limit to the absurdities you are willing to believe.

Saying something like its weather when cold winters strike, but it climate change for any bad weather is just par for the course. You no longer need to concern yourself with that pesky logic. In fact, you can even claim that cold weather is caused by global warming.

Pegminer says I misrepresent him:


" If you want to see how their ideas of solving the Great Recession would have worked, you need only look to the E.U., where they have practiced the austerity that the cons recommended here."

Misrepresentation indeed.

The problem is not misrepresentation. It is that I show the fallacy of his beliefs and where they lead. Where they lead is to the ridiculous.

Now peg, you can and likely will come up with some reason to say I am willfully misrepresenting you. I present it here for all to see though. People can determine for themselves if I am misrepresenting you. If they believe I am I lose cred. Surely you have nothing to whine about with that.

Oh and Pegminer, was the drought in Cali caused by AGW??? Are the people making that claim lying? Just wondering what your REAL stance is on weather versus climate change so I can stop misrepresenting you.

Here is the article: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/01/14/3611294/farmers-climate-change-weather-variation/

Perhaps an even more important question is do alarmists like Joe Romm actually believe everything they are writing?

Or this more a case of "the end justifies the means" a few exaggerations, misleading claims or speculations portrayed as fact are fine "for this cause".

Thinkprogress is always wrong , they have unsold Carbon credits
