> How can one build climate adaptation into laws and policies?

How can one build climate adaptation into laws and policies?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Simply figure out a way for politicians to tax 'non-adaptation'. Also, offer taxpayer grants to "Climate Adaptation Scientists" to study the phenomenon.

If you can convince an Al Gore type of flimflammer that he/she could become a millionaire by making a movie....."A Non-Adaptation Truth", for example.....then you would have something.

So-called "Catastrophic, Man-made Global Warming" started out that way.

Incentize local production of food, smaller operations are easier to migrate than larger ones as arable lands transition. Step up pesticide and herbicide development as well as document best practices such as refuges, species migration will cause many species to be invasive. Incentize rail and automated vehicles such as PRT's. Negotiate immigration treaties with nearby countries in case of an influx or outflux of immigrants. Prepare for a housing crisis just as there was after WWII, PRT could help with this just as freeways helped with the post-war suburbs.

Adaption to climate would require the dissolution of government agencies like the EPA

Just keep passing laws that will destroy America now to save the rest of the world in the future from "climate change"!

Adaptation can be done as needed. Switching to clean energy is what requires planning.

Ya i agree with the previous answer