> Do you care about global warming?

Do you care about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If it was dangerous and unnatural I would be worried. But it isn't

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

There is no credible evidence that man controls the temperature on Earth or any other planet.

I really don't care about it. I mean I care about the environment I care about pollution and habitat destruction and urban expansion and overfishing etc these things are actually harming the environment. But I don't think we're harming the environment just by making it slightly warmer. That's where they lose me. Will the global average be 2 degrees higher a century from now? Sure maybe, why not. Is that going to result in the deaths of billions of people? I seriously doubt it.

I want more global warming. I would love for the same climate conditions that existed during the Eocene epoch 65 million years ago when life flourished on every land mass and open ocean to exist now.

I care. It doesn't mean I want us to go back to being hunter-gatherers or something, but it means that I want my local power company to phase out coal plants in favor of solar and wind power, ideally with bio-sourced natural gas as a backup (though I'd settle for mined natural gas, natural gas at least generates less CO2 per unit of energy, and it can be turned on and off more easily than coal can)

I want a (modest) carbon tax, so companies will have a clear incentive to switch over to "green" power sources and manufacturing processes, send freight by rail instead of trucks (trains are more fuel-efficient), and so on. And I want the tax to include a carbon tariff on imported goods, so US companies can't dodge the tax by sending their manufacturing overseas.

I want the US and other wealthy countries to put more money into researching alternative fuels, low-cost nuclear power, and so on, so that we can switch away from fossil fuels without having to make painful sacrifices.

In short, I'd like us to treat this as a genuine, systemic problem, instead of a more or less trivial matter of "personal virtue"

Yes, there is more care about global warming. The reason for more caring is that it is affecting us very very less but it will affect terribly for the coming generations where our grandsons and granddaughters will be living, also it will affect all beautiful creatures and NATURE.

In a word, no. I don't care. Even if we are headed for runaway warming, we don't have the political will to make the changes necessary to change things. It would take bringing our CO2 emissions down close to zero to actually reduce atmospheric CO2 concentration. Aint gonna happen.

I'm enjoying the ride.

I do not care about global warming, but I care about global warming policies, I care about my children and grand children, I do not want them to grow up in abject poverty, I want them to live in a prosperous world not one with rules, regulations, taxes and economic despair and worldwide depression, which is where the politicians are taking us.

Yet i didn't have bothered about the global warming.but by hearing all of its harmful effects,Im little worried on it really.

What all of us should care about are the $Billions of taxpayer dollars that are being stolen from us to fund the Voodoo 'science' cult that is pushing this CAGW crap. Real people are homeless and under-nourished..........yet, we are wasting money on this greed and ego-driven scam..


I can only do what I can do -- recycle, walk more, ride a bike to work. I am sick of these doom and gloom naysayers...what are they advocating. Revolution? Going back to be hunter/gatherers? Nobody is going to do ANYTHING about global warming if it effects feeding their families, and any solution suggested will cause a wide-spread depression.

Why worry ? Adapt & survive.

nah I'm not worried about it.

I did, up until I found out what really is causing it: HAARP.
