> Help with climate change please!?

Help with climate change please!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The temperature recovered from a cooling trend at the end of the 20th century and caused a group of people (who couldn't pass a statistics class and became climate scientist) to claim that the world climate was heating out of control. Very gullible people who were weak in science backgrounds believed them.

Of course the planet started cooling again and proved them all to be quite incompetent. Now people who fell for the scam are very embarrassed.

It was called the "Great Global Warming Swindle" by some, but that implies they were trying to con us, but the truth is that they were just stupid.

Put it this way:

Climate Change is simply the different weather patterns around the world. For example, the ice caps are melting, which means that the artic is getting warmer. This would force the Eskimo's to adapt to a warmer climate.

It's basically asking how people could've adapted to the permanent changes in the weather.

Put it this way:

Climate Change is simply the different weather patterns around the world. For example, the ice caps are melting, which means that the artic is getting warmer. This would force the Eskimo's to adapt to a warmer climate.

It's basically asking how people could've adapted to the permanent changes in the weather.

The question is way too broad to give a simple answer. In the 10th century, Vikings colonized Greenland. There was a prolonged period of abnormally high temperatures. They were able to farm the exposed land. Now, most of Greenland is covered by ice.

Try this site. Contray to denialist claims, the government has been trying to suppress this for many years.


Actually, the reason why the link doesn't work is that the government has succeeded in supressing it; for now. But the truth has a way of coming out. Soon, the government will be back to trying to supress that information.



Romans, Europe, agriculture, plague, war



In the past as spring would come around , lighter jackets would be worn and the heavy winter ones would be put up till fall . then in the fall when the temps would drop ,we would get them out again .

YouTube; unstoppable solar cycles. First couple minutes gives example.

Read the textbook. If you have don't have a textbook, and don't know what one is, google.

i was doing my georgraphy homework and came across this question, really do not know how to answer it any help would be appreciated! thank you

Using named examples, explain how natural climate change in the past affected people and their lifestyles