> Whats the idea behind the chem trails?

Whats the idea behind the chem trails?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hi Smash Here you go the father of chem trails speaks out

Chemtrails are an alleged conspiracy by which cranks claim that aircraft contrails are a form of chemical dispersal through which the government is attempting to poison people from above. This is a relatively recent conspiracy theory, having been first discussed around 1996, and is still going strong despite the evidence for the conspiracy being laughably lacking.

Hello Smashwood,

The term "chem trail" is a term used by those who do not accept that aircraft "contrails" (vapour trails) consist only of ice crystals.

"Contrails", please see:


Conspiracy theory term "chem trails", see:


I hope this helps.




it's easy to spot the difference between contrails and chem trails as the latter remain much longer and disperse differently. god knows what they're spraying it could be poison it could be something else. whatever it is you can be sure it's something bad.

EDIT pretending there's no such thing or that it's not happening will not alter the reality that it's true, the evidence is there for all to see.

So I was at the gym and I heard an older white lady say to an older white male, "boy, it's been hot lately." The guy responded by saying, "oh yah! Good thing for the government spraying the chem trails." He also said this was the reason the weather got very cloudy out of nowhere. Is this true? Does the chem trails block the sun or create a cloud like substance in the sky to block the summer heat?