> Methods of modifying, controlling or adapting to climate.?

Methods of modifying, controlling or adapting to climate.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Thank you :-)

adapting to climate.

yes, we have had these techniques for ages, many of us refer to them as clothes.

Adaptation to global warming is a response to climate change that seeks to reduce the vulnerability of biological systems to climate change effects. Even if emissions are stabilized relatively soon, climate change and its effects will last many years, and adaptation will be necessary. Climate change adaptation is especially important in developing countries since those countries are predicted to bear the brunt of the effects of climate change. That is, the capacity and potential for humans to adapt (called adaptive capacity) is unevenly distributed across different regions and populations, and developing countries generally have less capacity to adapt (Schneider et al., 2007). Adaptive capacity is closely linked to social and economic development (IPCC, 2007). The economic costs of adaptation to climate change are likely to cost billions of dollars annually for the next several decades, though the amount of money needed is unknown. Donor countries promised an annual $100 billion by 2020 through the Green Climate Fund for developing countries to adapt to climate change. However, while the fund was set up during COP16 in Cancún, concrete pledges by developed countries are so far missing.The adaptation challenge grows with the magnitude and the rate of climate change. A theoretical, physiological limit to adaptation is that humans cannot survive temperatures of above 35 degrees Celsius.

For methods of modifying climate, look up geoengineering; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoengineer... will get you started.

Controlling climate is... not within our power, at least not yet. "Control" implies a level of precision that we cannot reach, at least not yet. We can significantly influence climate, but it's a little like trying to swat a fly with a sledgehammer. We can only make very crude manipulations.

Adaptation, you're talking things like levees, changing what crops we go where, expanding water management systems (dams, cisterns, etc), and so on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptation_... should be a good place to start.

The climate has been stable for the last 15yrs (no rise in temperatures) there have been some variations like several northern hemisphere cold winters, the odd heat wave, but these I think are just weather.

Really the only thing we need to do is plant more trees, much more simpler idea than carbon tax or other stupid ideas. also planting lots of trees would create jobs,

But thats not what climate change is about, it is political.

Modifying - Man does not have the power to do this.

Controlling - Man does not have the power to do this.

Adapting - Just look at the people who live on the Equator and the Eskimos in Alaska and see how they adapt to their climates. Mankind can adapt and has proven this through the centuries.

You are only that person can be adopt to the climatic environment.......

Thank you :-)